#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 16 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p16 #with an attachment called #p16FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p16DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Oct. 30, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: 9 PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH, BY THE ANSWER --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Convert the following recurrences to explicit form: 6*f(n)+12*f(n+1)+18*f(n+3)=0 A1. f(n+3) = (12*f(n+1)+6*f(n))/18 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. First 7 terms satisfying the recurrence f(n+2)-3*f(n+1)+4*f(n)=0 and initial conditions f(0)=1, f(1)=-2, f(2)=-10, f(3)=-22, f(4)=-26. Find f(5) and f(6). A2. Explicit format => f(n+2) = 3*f(n-1)-4*f(n) => f(n) := 3*f(n-1) - 4*f(n-2) f(5) := 3*f(5-1)-4*f(5-2) => -78-(-88) => 10 f(6) := 3*f(6-1)-4*f(6-2) => 30-(-104) => 134 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. What is F(10^6)? How long did it take? What is f(10^6)? How long did it take? A3. F(10^6); 2458745050599682757015378035481882035383438999154580592871756279\ 661111973933372432322733427701904766[...300831 digits...]48275\ 29846518999275111180114315872236327482873665581735845785170957\ 134521733463038891202865307177894 time(%); 0. f := proc(n) option remember; if n = 0 then 1; elif n = 1 then -2; else 3*f(n - 1) - 4*f(n - 2); end if; end proc; f(10^5); 1872528156411021969329905092373255197478513728585010253649543461\ 348426195124011733104305783418832036[...29904 digits...]600340\ 17338356412516035730487738166716195355236647791914666510875444\ 49117291696197756502799699177894 time(%); 0. f(10^6) is too big to run --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Consider the sequence that is defined by the recurrence f(n+1000) = f(n+999) + 5*f(n) What is the operator ope(N) such that ope(N) f(n)=0 A4. f(n+1000)-f(n+999)-5*f(n) = 0 ope(N):=N^1000 - N^999 - 5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Characterize the sequence (S) that satisfies a (HOMOG.) recurrence of order zero. A5. 3*f(n) = 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Can you prove that d(n)/n! -> 1/e A6. d(n) := (n-1)*d(n-1) + (n-1)*d(n-2) = 0 =>(n-1)(d(n-1)*d(n-2)) = 0 where d(0):= 1; d(1):=0 n! := n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(n-3)*...*1 d(n)/n! := (d(n-1)*d(n-2))/n d(n)/n! := 1/e --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. What is the OEIS A number of the sequence: seq(w(n), n=0..40) A7. OEIS A number : A000085 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Find the operators in N and N*(-1) annihilated by w(n). A8. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. Look up the syntax of ZeilbergerRecurrence. A9. _*with(SumTools[Hypergeometric]); T := (-1)^k*binomial(n - 5, k + 5)/binomial((a*k + 5)/a, k); k (-1) binomial(n - 5, k + 5) T := ---------------------------- /a k + 5 \ binomial|-------, k| \ a / ZeilbergerRecurrence(T, n, k, f, 0 .. n); 5 (-a n + 5 a - 5) f(n) + (a n - 9 a + 5) f(n + 1) = -- (n - 8) (n 24 - 7) (n - 6) (n - 5) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------