> #THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: 3 ; > #Q1 ; > ; > #WHO WAS Dr.Z 's NEXT DOOR NEIGHBOR IN 1980 and what did he reply to Dr.Z when asked how many ways to break up to russian dolls ; > ; > #Joel Spencer was Dr. Z's next door neighbor. He replied "This is a Stir ling question, it rings a Bell" ; > ; > #Q2 ; > ; > #What is the A-number in the OEIS of this sequence? ; > ; > #[1,2,5,15,52,203,877,4140] ; > #A000110 "Bell or exponential numbers: number of ways to partition a set of n labeled elements." ; > ; > #Q3 ; > ; > #Which of Z(r) EXCEPT FOR r = 1 are in the OEIS? ; > #F0r each of them list the a-number ; > ; > Snk:=proc(n,k) option remember: > if n=1 then > if k=1 then > RETURN(1): > else > RETURN(0): > fi: > fi: > > Snk(n-1,k-1)+k*Snk(n-1,k): > end: > ; > Z := r->seq(add(Snk(n,k)^r, k=1..n),n=1..20); Warning, `n` is implicitly declared local to procedure `Z` Warning, `k` is implicitly declared local to procedure `Z` Z := proc (r) local n, k; options operator, arrow; seq(add(Snk(n, k)^r, k = 1 .. n), n = 1 .. 20) end proc ; > Z(2) 1, 2, 11, 87, 952, 13513, 237113, 5016728, 125121009, 3615047527, 119384499720, 4455637803543, 186152008588691, 8636436319397292, 441871067839416319, 24781002306869712365, 1515279889256750470086, 100546673139756241189021, 7209605987244352052104275, 556516294632874102717412282 ; > #A047797 ; > Z(3) 1, 2, 29, 561, 20002, 1036793, 73149211, 7001620230, 851266098273, 129480967191991, 24185129583364026, 5424056667552385525, 1443073264349607373459, 450080587782825702959428, 162652881944216945326739621, 67512255613290113392967055419, 31932249941295949652321672992764, 17083534258217238214530371473504729, 10272162669894535616904349293826548581, 6902795139982079095540153002938846571784 ; > Z(4) 1, 2, 83, 3699, 451252, 84434773, 23614898645, 10463322887972, 6112163811896661, 4903431947965569559, 5212404842475146112216, 6985594807709708763240759, 11849009064222175198435274519, 24898173439275578749885971467688, 63434260177419240237729022637336167, 194898919300342257733730608874815122245, 713766524380274106820586177019487722185526, 3077089794688695898588185655295779392820746841, 15512913331699241710807710362523795683727445460571, 90790268446931656016422321758621840572313807902435786 ; > Z(5) 1, 2, 245, 24585, 10625002, 7094579153, 7777737322147, 16359199578701430, 44930725439064871737, 191483176722323377358335, 1167487799472722166794165010, 9240057940758070527523996590877, 100462575823700842260394192725935467, 1426870030603489791022525790722920518212, 25480696927781329096042367627257571547399125, 580764048034260221086467591233443000771918804907, 16504666965865598374937309886170979931559114018953044, 571799426813768144436962185498054086996384839557877940769, 24176316777545390237428333672021787996229889902419352584608397, 1234243481392077438765904174279231814621947097949596849850194689192 ; > ;