#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 10 of Dr. Z.'s Math454(02) Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p10 #with an attachment called #p10FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p10DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after finishing watching the lecture but no later than Oct. 9, 2020, 8:00pm THE NUMBER OF ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS WERE: PLEASE LIST ALL THE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED, AFTER EACH BY THE ANSWER #Q1 Find P2*P1, are they the same? 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 #A: [ ] * [ ] = [ ], which is not the same as p1*p2. 4 1 2 3 5 2 1 5 3 4 3 2 1 5 4 #Q2 Explain in your own words why if the order of pi is k, then |GG({pi})|=k #A: It seems that GG() is based oof of the number of orders, as it permutates and iterates through the Set to generate the outcome of GG({pi}). Since there are k terms in the set, |GG({pi})|=k. #Q3 Prove that if H is a subgroup of a group G, then |G|/|H| is an interger. #A: Since we can take answers from online, one proof for lagranges Theorem is "For any element x of G, Hx = {h • x | h is in H} defines a right coset of H. By the cancellation law each h in H will give a different product when multiplied on the left onto x. Thus each element of H will create a corresponding unique element of Hx. Thus Hx will have the same number of elements as H. " (taken from http://dogschool.tripod.com/lagrange.html). #Q4 Whose theorem is it? #A: Lagranges Theorem #Q5 Generate a random permuation of length 9 (use randperm(9)) and by hand find its cycle representation and check it with PtoC(pi) (1:05:00) [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] #A: S:=randperm(9) -> [8,5,6,4,3,9,7,2,1] #: {[8,2,5,3,6,9,1],[4],[7]} #: PtoC(S) = {[4],[7],[9,1,8,2,5,3,6]} checks out #Q6 Check that the range of FunT over all permutations of length 7 (you can use permute(7)) is the samething (the set of permutations of length 7) (1:24:00) #A: FunT(permute(7)) never halts in maplecode, uncheckable.