# Please do not post homework # Ravali Bommanaboina, 9/27/2020, Assignment 6 #Question 1 #PIE is only of theoretical interest because it can be used to calculate the probability of something occurring. #[seq(Pnx(n,x),n=1..7)] = [seq(PnxF(n,x),n=1..7)] #the time it took to compute [seq(Pnx(n,x),n=1..8)] and [seq(PnxF(n,x),n=1..8)] was the same #after testing larger numbers I was able to determine the function PnxF is faster #I am estimating this time([seq(Pnx(n,x),n=1..30)]); will be greater than 1 minute. #Question 2 #For any polynomial P(x) the coefficient of x^0 is P(0) because the number of derangements is a constant number #Question 3 #A257, A34 #Question 4 #A262