#OK to post homework #Tianyi Liu,Sept 27, Assignment 5 1. #We break up P(n) into n subsets. The first subset has all permutations with the first element being 1. Similarly up to n, the nth subset has all permutations with the first element being n. #If we take the first element out of the first subset, then it has permutations of length n-1 from 2 to n. Similarly up to n, nth subset has permutations of length n-1 from 1 to n-1. #Let p(n):=|P(n)|, then we can see that all the subsets without the first element are essentially p(n-1). Adding them up we get n*p(n-1)=p(n). Hence, p(n)=n!. 2. #p(n,a1,a2,a3)=p(n-a1,a1,a2,a3)+p(n-a2,a1,a2,a3)+p(n-a3,a1,a2,a3) 4. #Clever & good looking #included in line1:2 #excluded in line2:5 #included in line3:0 #excluded in line4:1 #2-1=1 #clever AND strong AND good-looking AND kind-hearted #included in line1:4 #excluded in line2:0 #included in line3:4 #excluded in line4:0 #4-6+4-1=1