#OK to post homework #TaerimKim,9/26/2020,Assignment 5 #1. #given that P_j(n)={All permutations pi in P(n) such that pi[1]=j, j=1..n #meaning that 1 is going to change its position depending on the j. #intuitively, it is similar fashion as the lecture example. #Let P(3) = {123,132,213,231,312,321}: #P_1(3) = {123,132} in bijection with {23,32} #P_2(3) = {213,312} in bijection with {23,32} #P_3(3) = {321,231} in bijection with {23,32} #Thus, P-j(n) IS IN BIJECTION WITH P(n-1) #Using the principle of addition, #|P(n)|=(|P_1(n)| + |P_2(n)| + ... + |P_n(n)| #=n*|P_1(n)| = n*|P(n-1)| = p(n) QED. #2. #By dividing the set with P_k(n) = { All permutations pi in P(n) such that # of alphabet in the #set is k}. Basically, we are using length as a factor in divding the set. #Let a1,a2,a3 be 1,2,3 for the P. #P(n;1,2,3) for n=1,2,3,4, #P_1(1)={1} ; #P_1(2)={2}; P_2(2)={11} #P_1(3)={3}; P_2(3)={21,21}; P_3(3)={111}; #P_1(4)={4}; P_2(4)={13,31,22}; P_3(4)={112,121,211}; P_4(4)={ }; #3. #4. #The given person, denoting as k, can be rewrote as #k = (C intersect L) - (S union K) #meaning k is not a subset of S and K #1st line : 2 appearance on |C| and |L| #2nd line: 1 appearance on |C intersect L| #3rd line: no appearance as k is not associated in 3 or more groups #4th line: no appearance due to same reason #As a result: 2-1 = 1 which is correct. #Another person, denoting as j, can be reworte as #j = (C intersect S intersect L intersect K) meaning in every set it is included #So in every subset in every line it will appear #1st line : 4 appearance in all subsets #2nd line: 6 appearance in all subsets #3rd line: 4 appearance in all subsets #4th line: 1 appearance in all subsets #As a result: 4-6+4-1 = 1 which is also correct.