Ok to post #-------------------------- Question 1. The lecture gave a full proof of the fact that if P(n) denotes the set of permutation of {1,...n} and p(n):=|P(n)|, then p(n)=n*p(n-1) (and hence p(n)=n!) It used the decompostion of P(n) into subsets according to the LOCATION of n. Find a new proof, explaining everything, of the same fact but breaking-up P(n) into the sets P_j(n)={All permutations pi in P(n) such that pi[1]=j, j=1..n Answer 1. Proof of |permute(n)| = n! Redefining the the permute(n) function as permute(n; 1..n) where the numbers to be permuted are mentioned. This hopefully does not chanage the problem but makes it easy Let P(n; 1..n) = set of permutations Let P_i(n; 1..n) = set of permutations where pi[1] happens to be i P(3; 1, 2, 3) = {123, 312, 213, 132, 231, 321} P_1(3; 1, 2, 3) = {123, 132} IN Bijection with {23, 32} P(2; 2, 3) P_2(3; 1, 2, 3) = {231, 213} IN Bijection with {31, 13} P(2; 1, 3) P_3(3; 1, 2, 3) = {312, 321} IN Bijection with {12, 21} P(2; 1, 2) Bijection defined as Remove i from position 1 Add i to poition 1 |P_i(n; 1 .. n)| = |P(n-1; 1..i-1 i+1..n)| for i = 1, 2.. n |P(n)| = |P_1(n) union P_2(n)union...P_n(n)| All of the sets are mutually exclusive |P(n)| = |P_1(n)|+|P_2(n)| ... |P_n(n)| = |P(n-1)+P(n-1)+...+P(n-1)| = n*|P(n-1)| P(n) = n* (n-1)* (n-2)*...*1 QED #--------------------------------------------- Question 2 Let a1,a2,a3, be distinct positive integers, and let P(n;a1,a2,a3) be the set of words in the alphabet {a1,a2,a3}, of ANY length that add-up to n. For example P(3; 1,2,3)={111,12,21,3} Decompose P(n;a1,a2,a3) into smaller sets, and deduce a recurrence relation for Answer 2 p(n)=p(n;a1,a2,a3):= |P(n;a1,a2,a3)| P(3; 1, 2, 3) = {111, 12, 21, 3} P(2; 1, 2, 3) = {11, 2} P(1; 1, 2, 3) = {1} P(0; 1, 2, 3) = { null } |P(3; 1, 2, 3)| = |P(2; 1, 2, 3)| +|P(1; 1, 2, 3)| + |P(0; 1, 2, 3)| |P(n; a1, a2, a3)| = |P(n-a1; a1, a2, a3)| +|P(n-a2; a1, a2, a3)| + |P(n-a3; a1, a2, a3)| P(0) = {null} P(n<0) = {} #--------------------------- #------------------------------------ Question 4 In a given class, let C be the set of clever students, S be the set of strong students, L be the set of good-looking students, K be the set of kind-hearted students, The Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion for four sets says |C union S union L union K|= |C| + |S|+ |L| + |K| -( |C interset S| + |C interset L| + |C interset K| + |S interset L| + |S interset K| + +|L interset K| ) +( |C interset S intersect L| +|C interset S intersect K| +|C interset K intersect L| +|S interset K intersect L| ) -|C intersect S intersect L intersect K| If some one is clever and good-looking but neither strong nor kind, make sure that he or she are counted exactly once, by finding out How many time he is INCLUDED in line 1 How many time he is EXCLUDED in line 2 How many time he is INCLUDED (again) in line 3 (possibly none) How many time he is EXCLUDED (again) in line 4 (possibly none) Answer 4 2 times in line 1 1 time in line 2 0 times in line 3 0 times in line 4 So he is indeed counted only 1 as 2-1 = 1 Analogous way 4 times in line 1 EXCLUDED 6 times in line 2 Inclusion 4 times in line 3 EXCLUDED 1 time in line 4 So he is indeed counted only 1 as 4-6+4-1 = 1