#OK to post #Soham Palande, Assignment 19, 11/15/2020 #PART 1 PROOF: egf(A x B) = egf(A) x egf(B) We suppose that A and B are two combinatorial families and C= A x B. We can define the attribute to be the "age". Then, the number of people with "age" n in A is given by a(n) and similarly the number of people with "age" n in B is given by b(n). Then, we define C as A x B where the size (or age) of a pair (a,b) is the sum of the ages of a and b in A and B respectively. The labels are disjoint and distinct. Then we define c(n) as the number of labeled objects of size (or age) n in C. So, first we must choose a size/age for one of the objects. Say we choose k for the a component of the pair. Then there are a(k) labelled objects of age k in A. Since the pair (a,b) in C must have total size/age n, the age of the b component must be n-k. There are b(n-k) labelled objects of size n-k in B. Thus we can pick the objects in a(k)*b(n-k) ways. Then, we assign which of the labels go to the first component in nCk ways. Thus c(n) = sum(binomial(n,k)*a(k)*b(n-k), k=0..infinity) ..(1) Multiplying by x^n/n! and summing from n=0..infinity on both sides of (1), we get sum(c(n)*x^n/n!, n=0..infinity) = sum(sum(a(k)*(x^k/k!)*b(n-k)*(x^(n-k)/(n-k)!), k=0..n), n=0..infinity) Changing the variable of summation to n-k and separating, = sum(a(k)/k!, k=0..infinity)*sum(b(n-k)*x^(n-k)/(n-k)!, (n-k)=0..infinity) Thus, we get that egf(C)=egf(A)*egf(B) egf(A x B)= egf(A) * egf(B) #PART 2 Find egf of a(n)=n*(n-1)*(n-2) (n ≥ 0) f:=sum(n*(n-1)*(n-2)*(x^n)/n!,n=0..infinity) f := x^3*exp(x) #PART 3 (i) Let X(n) be {[SP1,SP2]} where the size of SP1 + size of SP2 = n The labels are {1,...,100} We want to find the size of X(100) coeff(taylor(exp(exp(x)-1)*exp(exp(x)-1),x=0,101),x,100)*100! 86635961604145793709294621186421021577187015751602637085427283871117865337554218116225569701173834817160231371909161518471870 (ii) The above number divided by 2 since in a set the order does not matter. So, coeff(taylor(exp(exp(x)-1)*exp(exp(x)-1),x=0,101),x,100)*100! / 2