#Please do not post homework #Ravali Bommanaboina, 11/15/20, Assignment 19 #Question 1 #A and B, and there are a(n) labeled objects of size n in the A family, and b(n) in the B family. #C = A X B #If the size of the first component is k then the size of the second must be n-k. #There are n choose k ways to decide which of the n labels are in the first component. #There are a(k)b(n-k) ways to choose the objects for each component from the A and B families. #If both sides are multiplied by x^n/n! and added up from n=0 to n=∞ then we get #EGF(C)=EGF(A)*EGF(B) #Question 2 #ogf: (6*x^3)/(x - 1)^4 #Question 3 #3452 #684