#Ok to post #Michael Yen, Assignment 19, 11/15/20 #Lecture 19: Due Nov. 15, 9:00pm. Email ShaloshBEKhad@gmail.com an attachment #hw19FirstLast.txt #Indicate whether it is OK to post #1) Carefully read the section about exponential generating functions in Dr. Z.'s essay. Reproduce #the proof that egf(AxB)=egf(A)*egf(B) in your own words, and understand it . [It may come up in the #oral part of the Final Exam!] #Let there be two combinatorial families A and B. #There are a(n) objects of size n in the A family, and b(n) objects of size n in the B family. #Example: (A = labeled trees, B = permutations) #Let's take C to be C = AxB where labels are disjoint and distinct and define the size of each pair #to be the sum of the sizes of the components. #Then c(n) = sum_(k=0)^n((n choose k)(a(k)b(n-k))). #You have a quota of n objects and choose an amount from 0 to n to use for the size of the first #component, making the size of the second component n-k (k=0 to n). Next, you choose k labels to go #to the first and n-k labels to go to the second ((n choose k)(a(k)b(n-k))). #Multiply both sides by x^n/n! to obtain: #sum_(n=0)^(infinity)(c(n)/n!*x^n) #=sum_(n=0)^(infinity)(sum_(k=0)^n(a(k)/k!*x^k*b(n-k)/(n-k)!*x^(n-k))) #=sum_(k=0)^(infinity)(a(k)/k!*x^k)*sum_(n-k=0)^infinity(b(n-k)/(n-k)!x^(n-k))) #->egf(C)=egf(A)*egf(B) #(All Credits to Dr. Z's Essay) #2) Using Maple or otherwise find the ordinary generating function and exponential generating #function for #a(n)=n*(n-1)*(n-2) (n ≥ 0) #ordinary generating function is #0+0+0+3*2*1*x^3+4*3*2*x^4+5*4*3*x^5+... #=6*x^3/(x - 1)^4 #egf is #a(0)*x/0!+a(1)*x/1!+a(2)*x^2/2!+a(3)*x^3/3!+... #=0+0+0+3*2*1*x^3/3!+4*3*2*x^4/4!+5*4*3*x^5/5!+... #=x^3*exp(x) #3) #(i) How many ordered pairs [SP1,SP2] are there where SP1 and SP2 are set partitions of different #sets whose total numbers is 100 and the labels are {1, ..., 100} #egf(X)=exp(exp(x)-1)*exp(exp(x)-1) coeff(taylor(exp(exp(x) - 1)*exp(exp(x) - 1), x = 0, 101), x, 100)*100!#86635961604145793709294621186421021577187015751602637085427283871117865337554218116225569701173834817160231371909161518471870 #(ii) How many sets {SP1,SP2} where SP1 and SP2 are set-partitions of different sets whose total #numbers is 100 and the labels are {1, ..., 100} ? #I think this is the same as part (i), no matter if C is constructed as a set or ordered pair. #egf(X)=exp(exp(x)-1)*exp(exp(x)-1) #86635961604145793709294621186421021577187015751602637085427283871117865337554218116225569701173834817160231371909161518471870 #[Reminder the egf of set-partitions is exp(exp(x)-1) ]