#OK to post homework #Hari Amoor, November 15, 2020, Homework Assn. #19 # Question 1 # Let A and B be two distinct families of labeled objects, where there are a(n) labeled objects of size n in A and b(n) labeled objects of size n in B. # Spse. A, B are distinct families of labeled objects containing a(n) and b(n) labeled objects of size n respectively. We arrive at the conclusion that # c(n) for C = A X B is equal to sum(binom(n,k)*a(k)*b(n-k), k=0..n). Similarly, we arrive at the conclusion that EGF(C) = EGF(A X B) = EGF(A)EGF(B). # Question 2 # sum(x^n*n*(n-1)*(n-2)/n!,n=0..infinity) = x^3*exp(x) # Question 3 # We supply the following: # coeff(taylor(exp(exp(x)-1)*exp(exp(x)-1),x=0,101),x,100)*100! = # 86635961604145793709294621186421021577187015751602637085427283871117865337554218116225569701173834817160231371909161518471870 ordered pairs # coeff(taylor(exp(exp(x)-1)^2/2!,x=0,101),x,100)*100! = # 43317980802072896854647310593210510788593507875801318542713641935558932668777109058112784850586917408580115685954580759235935 sets