#please do not post homework Kenneth Chan Math 454 HW 11 1.2048*32=65536, n=number of dolls and k= number of tower X=the sum of k=0 to n of the binomial n over k multiplied by the sum of i=0 to k of the binomial of k over i 2.xn(x,n)=>seq(add(nops(x-(y-1),y=1..n))) Axn(x,n)=>Sum(Snk(n,k)*xn(x,k),k=0..n) 3. We can shove recurrence relation by using the terms of permuatation with k cycles. We can add na new object and instead of using n-1 we replace it with n with k cycles. to form a new permuation of n+1 objects and k cycles one must insert the a new variable into this list and there are n ways to do the action. This will gives us n *the binimial of n over k term of the recurrence relation. 4. cnk:=proc(n,k) option remember: if k<1 then Return(0): fi: if k>n then Return(1): fi: cnk(n-1,k-1)+(n-1)*cnk(n-1,k): end: 5. Σk=1 to n( Σk=1 to (n-1))*x^kno clue what im supposed to do here