#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 9 of Dr. Z.'s Math336 Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p9 #with an attachment called #p9FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p9DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after attending the lecture, but no later than 4:00pm that day #LIST ALL THE ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED BY THEIR ANSWES #1 Using Maple, find the fixed points of f(x) = 3.6x(1-x) (if they exist). Find stable fixed points. read "C:/Users/aks238/Documents/M9.txt"; FP(3.6*x*(1 - x), x); [0., 0.7222222222] SFP(3.6*x*(1 - x), x); [] #2 What other constant did Feigenbaum discover? What is its significance? FeigenbaumÕs alpha constant (2.502É) is the ratio between the width of a tine and the width of one of its two subtines. IÕm not sure what a tine is.