#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 8 of Dr. Z.'s Math336 Rutgers University # Please Edit this .txt page with Answers #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p8 #with an attachment called #p8FirstLast.txt #(e.g. p8DoronZeilberger.txt) #Right after attending the lecture, but no later than 4:00pm that day NAME: Jeton Hida LIST ALL THE ATTENDANCE QUESTIONS FOLLOWED BY THEIR ANSWERS Q1: What was the name of the man who discovered this logistic recurrence? A1: Robert May Q2: Find stable equilibrium point for general K in f(x)=kx(1-x). A2: f(x)=kx-kx^2, f'(x) = k-2kx = 0, x=k/2k=1/2. BONUS QUESTIONS for brownie points Q3. In what journal did Robert May get published? A3. Robert May got published in Nature with this logistic recurrence. Q4. Who was the editor of Nature? A4. At the time John Maddox was the editor in chief at Nature, which was in 1972 when May had his work published. Today the editor in chief is Magdalena Skipper Q5. How old is the editor? A5. John Maddox died at 83 years old in 2009, Magdalena Skipper is alive and well at 52 years old.