#ATTENDANCE QUIZ FOR LECTURE 5 of Dr. Z.'s Math336 Rutgers University #Email ShaloshBEkhad@gmail.com #Subject: p5 #with an attachment called #p5NikitaJohn.txt #Right after attending the lecture, but no later than 4:00pm that day 1. What year was the mathematician Tribonacci born? What year did he die? My research showed that there is no person named Tribonacci, so I'll answer this question for Fibonacci. Fibonacci was born in 1170 and died in 1250. 2. What is the probability that in a class of 18 students, there would be two people named Julian? Not exactly sure how to calculate this, probability is not my strong suit 3. What is the common name for the growth constant whose floating point is 1.618033989? Golden Ratio 4. Who invented or discovered the Leslie Matrix? Patrick Leslie discovered the Leslie matrix. He worked in the Bureau of Animal Population in Oxford, England. He and Charles Elton, known as the father of animal ecology, came up with the model to predict population growth.