ATTENDANCE QUIZ 5 DR Z daniel hogan #1 what year was tribonacci born and what year did he die? answer: there was no tribonacci but fibonacci was born 1170 and died 1250 #2 suppose there is already one Julian, what is the probabilty there is another julian in a class of 18? answer: P(J2|J1)=(P(J2)*P(J1))/P(J1) frequentist probability school here. look up how frequent the name julian in average american university. #3 what is the name of the growth constant 1.618? answer: the golden ratio, often represented as the greek letter 'phi' #4 when did patrick leslie live? who was he? Patrick H Leslie was born in 1900 in scotland. studied at oxford and graduated with a degree in physiology. he did research on animal populations when he joined the bureau of animal population in england in 1935. he died in 1974