Q1: Who was Sir Ronald Ross? Why was he famous? A1: He was a British medical doctor that was awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine for discovering the mosquito transmission of malaria (this discovery was his claim to fame). Q2: Execute astupid(100); how long does it take? A2: Never returned an answer even after leaving it for 12 minutes. This is because without "option remember," it has to recompute astupid(n) each time even though the same value astupid(n) is used multiple times. Q3: Letting a1=fifth digit of RUID; a2=second digit of RUID; a3=third digit of RUID, solve y'(t)=a1*t^a2 / y^a3, y(1)=a2 A3: RUID: 204007768, a1 would = 0 and the solution is y(t) = 0 ... therefore, to make it more interesting, I will change a1 to the seventh digit of my RUID and a2 to the eighth: y'(t)=7t^6 / y^4, y(1) = 6... solving this with maple code: dsolve({diff(y(t), t) = 7*t^6/y(t)^4, y(1) = 6}, y(t)); yields the answer: y(t) = (5*t^7 + 7771)^(1/5) Q4: What was Hilda Hudsons middle name, the collaborator of Sir Ronald Ross? A4: Hilda PHOEBE Hudson Q5: Let a1 = 8th digit of RUID, a2 = your age, a3 = your mother's age Solve using Maple: a1*y''(t) + a2*y'(t) + a3*y(t)=0, subject to y(0)=1, y'(0)=0 A5: 6y''(t)+22y'(t)+54y(t)=0, y(0)=1, y'(0)=0 dsolve({6*D(D(y))(t) + 22*D(y)(t) + 54*y(t) = 0, y(0) = 1, D(y)(0) = 0}, y(t)) Yields the answer: y(t) = (11*sqrt(203)*exp(-(11*t)/6)*sin(sqrt(203)*t/6))/203 + exp(-(11*t)/6)*cos(sqrt(203)*t/6) Q6: Let a1=your father's age, a2=your mother's age, a3=your younger sibling's age Let a be the 3x3 matrix [[a1,a2,a3], [a2,a3,a1], [a3,a2,1]]. Find (in floating points) the SECOND largest eigenvalue (in absolute value) and the corresponding eigenvector. A6: Second largest eigenvalue = 50; corresponding eigenvector = [-274/265, 1/265, 1].