ok to post 1. Orb := proc(f, x, x0, K1, K2) local x1, i, L; x1 := x0; for i to K1 do x1 := subs(x = x1, f); end do; L := [x1]; for i from K1 to K2 do x1 := subs(x = x1, f); L := [op(L), x1]; end do; L; end proc; Orb(f, x, 0.4, 1000, 2000); I. Stable points x = 0.5 Ii. stable points x = 0.6 Iii. stable points x =0.558, 0.765 Iv. stable points x = 1.236 v. stable points x = 0.791 Vi. stable points x = 0.735 FP := proc(f, x) evalf([solve(f = x)]); end proc SFP := proc(f, x) local L, i, f1, pt, Ls; L := FP(f, x); Ls := []; f1 := diff(f, x); for i to nops(L) do pt := L[i]; if abs(subs(x = pt, f1)) < 1 then Ls := [op(Ls), pt]; end if; end do; Ls; end proc SFP(2*x*(1 - x), x) I. 0.5 Ii. 0.6 Iii. [] Iv. 1.236 V. 0.791 Vi. 0.735 2. C(1,2): Orb = 0.618, SFP = 0.618 C(2,3): Orb = 0.732, SFP = 0.732 C(12,17): Orb = 0.718, SFP = 0.718 3. Orb(2*x*(1 - x), x, 0.4, 0, 200) = 0.4,0.48,0.4992,0.49999872,0.5000000000,0.5000000000,... X = 0 always has values changing on it when the recurrence starts and the equation does not get stable until later iterations of the recurrence. In this equation, the bifurcation point is at x = 4. 4. Orb(2*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 0, 6)