Mudassir Lodi Homework for Lecture 9 of Dr. Z.’s Dynamical Models in Biology class Email the answers (either as .pdf file or .txt file) to by 8:00pm Monday, Oct. 4,, 2021. Subject: hw9 with an attachment hw9FirstLast.pdf and/or hw9FirstLast.txt Also please indicate (EITHER way) whether it is OK to post 1. Use BOTH procedure Orb and SPF To find the stable fixed points of the following non-linear recurrencnes xn = f(xn−1) for the following f(x) (i) 2x(1−x) , (ii) (2.5)x(1−x) , (iii) (3,1)x(1−x) , ( iv) , ( v) , ( vi) . Orb(f,x, SPF(f,x) i) f’(x) = 2 – 4x f’(0) = -2 (unstable) ii) f’(x) = 2.5 – 5x f’(0) = -2.5 (unstable) iii) f’(x) = 3.1 – 6.2x f’(0) = -3.1 (unstable) iv) f’(x) = -1/(x+3)^2 f’(0) = -1/9 (stable) v) f’(x) = 1/(x+4)^2 f’(0) = 1/16 (stable) vi) f’(x) = -(x^2 + 4x -1)/(2x^2 + x + 4)^2 f’(0) = 1/16 (stable) 2. Consider the discrete dynamical system , where a and b are positive numbers. Note that FP and SFP will not work if a and b are left as symbols. You are welcome to use the solve command to find explicit expressions, in terms of a and b of the two fixed points. Then you are welcome to use diff command to find an expression C(a,b), such that the following is true , where a and b are positive numbers, has a stable fixed point if and only if −1 < C(a,b) < 1 . Then experiment with a = 1,b = 2, a = 2,b = 3, and a = 12,b = 17 to see whether the condition is met, and check your answers against the outputs of Orb, FP and SFP for these numerical values of a and b. i) f(x) = x+1/x+2 f’(x) = 1/(x+2)^2 f’(0) = 1/4 ii) x+2/x+3 f’(x) = 1/(x+3)^2 f’(0) = 1/9 iii) x+12/x+17 f’(x) = 5/(x+17)^2 f’(0) = 5/289 The condition is met for x = 0 for all three of the a,b functions. 3. For an arbitrary k (between 1 and 4) find the equilibrium points of x → k x(1 − x) . Prove that x = 0 is never stable, but that the other one is sometimes stable. What values of k is that other point fixed point stable? Use this to find the first bifurcation point when it switches from very one ultimate population value to going back-and-forth between two population values. This function can be simplified to f(x) = kx – kx^2. The derivative f’(x) would be k – 2kx. Calculating x = 0 in this function would always result in k, which therefore would be unstable (if k is greater than 1). Any value of k between -1 and 1, therefore, would result in a stable fixed point. 4. For an arbitrary k (between 1 and 4) find the equilibrium points of x → f(f(x)) f(x) = kx(1 − x) . you are welcome to use the Maple solve command to get explicit expressions in k for these four fixed points. Two of them are obviously the same as the fixed points of x → kx(1 − x), and you already know that they are not stable. Find a condition in k for the two new fixed points (of x → f(f(x)) to be stable fixed points. Use it to find exactly the second bifurcation points, when the population stops converging to a period 2 orbit, and starts going into a period 4 orbit. Verify this theoretical prediction using Orb with x0 = 0.5. f(f(x)) = k(kx - kx^2))(1-(kx – kx^2)) = (k^2x – k^2x^2)(1 – kx - kx^2) f(f(x)) = (k^2x – k^2x^2) + (-k^2x^2 + k^3x^3) – (k^3x^3 + k^3x^4) f(f(x)) = (k^2x – 2k^2x^2 + k^3x^4) f’(f(x)) = (k^2 – 4k^2x + 4k^3x^3) f’(f(x)) = k – 4kx + 4kx^3 k would need to be between 1 and -1 in order for x = 0 to be a stable fixed point. 5. Read and understand (as much as possible) Mitchell Feigenbaum’s seminal article: .