1. Orb := proc(f, x, x0, K1, K2) local x1, i, L; x1 := x0; for i to K1 do x1 := subs(x = x1, f); end do; L := [x1]; for i from K1 to K2 do x1 := subs(x = x1, f); L := [op(L), x1]; end do; L; end proc; Orb(f, x, 0.4, 1000, 2000); I: x = 0.5 II: x=0.6 III: x=0.558, 0.765 IV: x=1.236 V: x=0.791 VI: x=0.735 FP := proc(f, x) evalf([solve(f = x)]); end proc SFP := proc(f, x) local L, i, f1, pt, Ls; L := FP(f, x); Ls := []; f1 := diff(f, x); for i to nops(L) do pt := L[i]; if abs(subs(x = pt, f1)) < 1 then Ls := [op(Ls), pt]; end if; end do; Ls; end proc; SFP(2*x*(1 - x), x) I: 0.5 II: 0.6 III: IV: 1.236 V: 0.790 VI: 0.735 2. C(1,2): Orb=0.618, SFP=0.618 C(2,3): Orb=0.732, SFP=0.732 C(12,17): Orb=0.718, SFP=0.718 3. Orb(3*x*(1 - x), x, 0.4, 0, 200) 4. Orb(3*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 0, 6)