Mudassir Lodi Homework for Lecture 7 of Dr. Z.’s Dynamical Models in Biology class Email the answers (either as .pdf file or .txt file) to by 8:00pm Monday, Sept. 27, 2021. Subject: hw7 with an attachment hw7FirstLast.pdf and/or hw7FirstLast.txt Also please indicate (EITHER way) whether it is OK to post 1. Use the procedure GRt(p,i,N) in today’s Maple code to write a procedure EstGR(p,i,N,K) that runs GRt(p,i,N)K times, and uses it to estimate (by simulation) the pair [ProbabilityOfExitingAwinner , AverageDurationOfGame] EstGR:=proc(p,i,N,K) local X,x,d,c: X:=RandomVariable(Bernoulli(p)): c:=0: x:=i: while x>0 and x0 and x