#OK to post homework #Nicholas DiMarzio, 10/11/21, Assignment 11 # #Problem 1 SFPe(k*x*(1 - x), x); [ [k - 1 ]] [[0, k], [-----, -k + 2]] [ [ k ]] #The difference equation x[n]=k*n[n-1]*(1-x[n-1]) Always has 2 fixed points 0 and (k-1)/k #x=0 is stable iff 0=k<1 #Problem 2 {op(Orb(3.1*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.5580141245, 0.7645665203} {op(Orb(3.2*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.5130445091, 0.7994554906} {op(Orb(3.3*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.4794270198, 0.8236032832} {op(Orb(3.4*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.4519632478, 0.8421543994} {op(Orb(3.5*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.3828196827, 0.5008842111, 0.8269407062, 0.8749972637} {op(Orb(3.51*x*(1 - x), x, 0.5, 1000, 1020))}; {0.3777221554, 0.5067130559, 0.8250189317, 0.8773418215} #Bifurcation is in Parameter space #We can estimate that at k=3.5 the second birfurcation point happens #Problem 3 # f := b*x/a*b*x; 2 2 b x f := ----- a SFPe(f, x); [ [a ]] [[0, 0], [--, 2]] [ [ 2 ]] [ [b ]] g := x*exp(r*(1 - x/k)); / / x\\ g := x exp|r |1 - -|| \ \ k// SFPe(g, x); [[0, exp(r)], [k, exp(0) - r exp(0)]] h := b*x*(a*x + 1); h := b x (a x + 1) SFPe(h, x); [ [ b - 1 ]] [[0, b], [- -----, -b + 2]] [ [ a b ]]