#OK to post homework #Julian Herman, 10/11/21, Assignment 10 #2) #i) M := Matrix([[-16/3, 5], [-7, 13/2]]); [ 16 ] [uminus0-- 5 ] [ 3 ] M := [ ] [ 13] [&uminus0;7 --] [ 2 ] A := Matrix([[0.3], [0.6]]); [0.3] A := [ ] [0.6] (M^1000) . A; [ &uminus0;176] [6.07858099239567times10 ] [ ] [ &uminus0;176] [7.29429719087481times10 ] #The transformation applied to (0.3,0.6) maps back to the point ~(0,0) #after many iterations, thus (0,0) is stable! #ii) M := Matrix([[92/3, -25], [35, (-57)/2]]); [92 ] [-- &uminus0;25] [3 ] M := [ ] [ 57 ] [35 uminus0-- ] [ 2 ] (M^1000) . A; [ 176] [&uminus0;8.88365229772445times10 ] [ ] [ 177] [&uminus0;1.03642610140118times10 ] #The transformation applied to (0.3,0.6) goes off to a large value, #and does NOT map to the (0,0) point after many iterations, #therefore, it is UNSTABLE! #iii) M := Matrix([[-177/4, 75/2], [-105/2, 89/2]]); [ 177 75] [uminus0--- --] [ 4 2 ] M := [ ] [ 105 89] [uminus0--- --] [ 2 2 ] (M^1000) . A; [ &uminus0;125] [8.63623905093621times10 ] [ ] [ &uminus0;124] [1.03634868611234times10 ] #The transformation applied to (0.3,0.6) maps back to the point ~(0,0) #after many iterations, thus (0,0) is stable!