The course will use Canvas for all course material during the semester.
All enrolled students should have automatic access to the site after logging into Canvas.
Current information about syllabus and homework will be found there.
Note: Do not forget to "reload" the assignments pages - if
you visited them before, your browser may be showing you
only the old cached page.
This course is a continuation of 01:640:411H Mathematical Analysis I. The topics to be convered correspond roughly to chapters 7--10 and part of chapter 11 of Rudin's textbook, but we will construct a set of course notes for most of the material to be covered. A detailed syllabus will be developed and posted on our Canvas course site.
Homework and Quizzes: You will have weekly regular assignments and occasional quizzes(mostly reading quizzes). Only a portion of the assigned problems will be graded, but it is important to do all the problems. Unless instructed otherwise, discussion with fellow classmates is allowed at the strategy formulation stage of homework, but not at the writing-up stage; if you do have discussion with fellow classmates in completing your homework assignment, you need to make explicit acknowledgement (provide name(s) of classmate(s) with whom you have had discussion with) in the problem(s) for which you have engaged in some discussion. In addition, if you consult any other source (such as a web page, solutions from a previous semester, etc.) in the preparation of homework, you must acknowledge this by citing that source; moreover, the work you turn in must be written up in your own words, not copied from a source. Failure to observe these restrictions will be treated as a violation of the Rutgers ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY.
Homework assignments will be posted in our Canvas site.
Attendance and Make-up Policy: Class attendance is expected. Poor attendance will be used to decide borderline grade situations. Any changes to the syllabus, homework assignment and any announcement for the midterms and final exam will be made in the lectures. No late work will be accepted. There will be no make-ups for quizzes. A make-up midterm will be given only if you have a valid reason such as serious illness (not a slight cold) or a family emergency, and provide an acceptable, written excuse in advance, or you will receive a grade of zero.
Your course grade will be determined on the following basis: