640:251:H4-6: Multivariable Calculus

Class meets: TTh5 0350P-0510, SEC-209, BUSCH.
Text: Hass, Heil & Weir: Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals (15th edition), Pearson Education, ISBN: 978-0137559756; students should also have access to MyMathLab (978-0137559756 for e-text, 978-0137560103 for physical text) for homework.
Instructor: Dr. Zheng-Chao Han
Office Hours:   Th2:00-3:30 or by appointment, Hill-522.
Email: zchan@math.rutgers.edu (I try to process my emails once per day ).
Office Hour: TBA, Hill-TBA.
Email: TBA@math.rutgers.edu.

Note: Do not forget to "reload" the assignments pages - if you visited them before, your browser may be showing you only the old cached page.

Course Policy

General Information: The math department's 251 course website provides general information about this course, including a tentative syllabus and scheduled homework assignments (to be completed using MyLab). I may make modifications for the H4-6 honors sections and any such modifications will be posted in the course website.

Reading Assignments: You are expected to read the textbook sections for each class before the lecture. Reading Assignments will be posted on your section’s Canvas site, and will be due prior to that day’s lecture. Each assignment will include one or two questions based on the textbook section(s). You are not expected to fully understand the topic just by reading the book, but you are supposed to know definitions and have a general sense of the material and the problem types that we are likely to discuss in class.

Homework and Quizzes: See your Canvas course site for details on signing up for the online homework. All homework is done through MyLab Math, which is accessible via Canvas. It will not be necessary to get every single question right in order to get the maximum homework score. There will be weekly quizzes given in recitation. The quiz may cover any topics covered in lecture since the previous quiz. The lowest or missed one quiz score will be dropped.

Attendance and Make-up Policy: Class attendance is expected. Poor attendance will be used to decide borderline grade situations. If you expect to miss one or two classes, please use the University absence reporting website to indicate the date and reason for your absence. An email is automatically sent to your instructor. Any changes to the syllabus, homework assignment and any announcement for the midterms and final exam will be made in the lectures and the course canvas site. There will be no make-ups for quizzes. A make-up midterm will be given only if you have a valid, verifiable reason such as serious illness (with a doctor's note) or a family emergency, and provide an acceptable documentation (not just an email message) in advance; othewise, you will receive a grade of zero on the missed exam.

Academic Integrity: See here for a summary of the current Academic Integrity Policy. Students are also expected to sign the Rutgers Honor Pledge on each major exam or assignment: "On my honor, I have neither received nor given any unauthorized assistance on this examination (assignment, paper, quiz, etc.)."

Grading Policy

Your grade will be determined on the following 500-points basis:

For comments regarding this page, please send email to zchan@math.rutgers.edu.