Fall, 2005

Fall, 2005

  • Speaker Corina Calinescu, Rutgers University
    • Title On certain principal subspaces of standard modules and vertex operator algebras
    • Time/place Friday, 9/30/2005 1:00 pm in Hill 705
    • Abstract Recently, S. Capparelli, J. Lepowsky and A. Milas initiated a new approach of getting Rogers-Ramanujan-type recursions by studying the principal subspaces of the standard sl(2)^-modules. We extend their approach to the untwisted affine Lie algebra sl(3)^. In this talk we give a complete list of relations for the principal subspaces of the standard sl(3)^-modules. Then, as a consequence of this result and vertex operator algebra techniques we obtain certain recursions. By solving them, we recover the graded dimensions (characters) of these principal subspaces.

  • Speaker Katrina Barron, University of Notre Dame
    • Title An isomorphism between two constructions of permutation-twisted modules for lattice vertex operator algebras
    • Time/place Friday, 10/14/2005 1:00 pm in Hill 705
    • Abstract Twisted modules for vertex operator algebras arise in physics as the basic building blocks for ``orbifold" conformal field theory, and arise in mathematics in the representation theory of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras. In this talk, we will consider two constructions of twisted modules in the case of the k-fold tensor product of a lattice vertex operator algebra with itself and a permutation automorphism acting on this tensor product. One of these two constructions involves an operator based on the lattice, and the second involves an operator based on a coordinate transformation of the underlying conformal geometry modeled on propagating strings. However, by a theorem of the speaker, jointly with Dong, and Mason, they must produce isomorphic twisted modules. We construct an isomorphism explicitly thereby, from the point of view of physics, giving a direct link between the space-time geometry arising from the lattice and the conformal worldsheet geometry of propagating strings. This is joint work with James Lepowsky and Yi-Zhi Huang.

  • Speaker Lin Zhang, Sequent Capital LLC
    • Title Kazhdan-Lusztig's tensor category and the compatibility condition
    • Time/place Friday, 10/21/2005 1:00 pm in Hill 705
    • Abstract We study from the viewpoint of vertex operator algebras a braided tensor category of Kazhdan and Lusztig based on certain modules for an affine Lie algebra, by using a recent logarithmic generalization, due to Huang, Lepowsky and Zhang, of Huang and Lepowsky's tensor product theory for modules for a vertex operator algebra. We first give an equivalent form of the ``compatibility condition,'' one of the important tools in the theory of Huang and Lepowsky, in terms of a ``strong lower truncation condition.'' We use this to establish the equivalence of the two tensor product functors constructed in the two totally different approaches. Then, by using certain generalized Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations, we prove the ``convergence and expansion properties'' for this category and obtain a new construction of the braided tensor category structure. Compared to the original algebraic-geometric method, the vertex algebraic approach further establishes a vertex tensor category structure on this category.

  • Speaker Siddhartha Sahi, Rutgers University
    • Title Supercategories and connections
    • Time/place Friday, 11/11/2005 1:00 pm in Hill 705
    • Abstract We introduce the notion of a supercategory as a generalization of the tensor category of vector superspaces. We also define the concept of a "connection" in this context, and prove a series of extremely general quasi-isomorphism results generalizing the Harish-Chandra isomorphism.

  • Speaker Hisham Sati, University of Adelaide
    • Title Mathematical aspects of the partition functions in string theory
    • Time/place Friday, 12/16/2005 1:00 pm in Hill 705
    • Abstract