1998 Almgren Relay Race Results (May 3, 1998)

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The Princeton Math department team 'A' has repeated as winners of the Fred Almgren memorial race trophy. The results are presented below in a series of tables :

  • TABLE 1 : Key to 1998 teams
  • TABLE 2 : Overall result
  • TABLE 3 : Split times
  • TABLE 4 : Individual times
  • TABLE 5 : 1998 Participants
  • TABLE 6 : Breakdown of course

    TABLE 1 : Key to 1998 teams

    PUA = Princeton Math - Team A
    PUB = Princeton Math - Team B
    PUC = Princeton Math - Team C
    AMA = Princeton Applied Math - Team A
    AMB = Princeton Applied Math - Team B
    RUA = Rutgers - Team A ("Scarlets")
    RUB = Rutgers - Team B ("Knights")
    RUC = Rutgers - Team C ("Nobles")

    TABLE 2 : Overall result

    Position     Team        Total time       Average pace per mile
       1         PUA          2:33.08               6.06
       2         RUA          2:59.08               7.08
       3         AMA          3:07.07               7.27
       4         PUC          3:16.58               7.51
       5         PUB          3:23.06               8.05
       6         RUC          3:29.11*              8.22
       7         AMB          3:38.22               8.42
       8         RUB          3:57.56**             9.31

    TABLE 3 : Split times

    Leg #   PUA     PUB     PUC     AMA     AMB     RUA     RUB      RUC
      1    19.52   25.04   28.13   21.01   29.05   24.59   24.59     31.39*
      2    46.10 1:03.43 1:02.28   52.37 1:02.35   55.01   50.44   1:04.32
      3  1:10.10 1:35.56 1:35.39 1:25.11 1:32.18 1:25.58 1:49.05** 1:42.32
      4  1:25.02 1:55.16 1:51.15 1:42.12 1:53.5? 1:40.56 2:02.4?   1:59.0?
      5  1:48.03 2:29.38 2:24.44 2:08.12 2:37.08 2:05.09 2:35.38   2:27.08
      6  2:12.32 3:00.37 2:53.10 2:36.40 3:11.1? 2:32.18 3:06.17   2:55.52
      7  2:33.08 3:23.06 3:16.58 3:07.07 3:38.22 2:59.08 3:53.58   3:22.31
    ?  Split times at end of leg 4 estimated for teams: AMB, RUB, RUC
       Split times at end of leg 5 use 10mile lock for AMA, RUA teams
       Split times at end of leg 6 estimated for teams: AMB
    *  RUC handicap 6.40 minutes for staggered relay at Kingston
    ** RUB handicap 3.58 minutes for staggered relay at Blackwells Mills

    TABLE 4 : Individual times

    Leg #   PUA     PUB     PUC     AMA     AMB     RUA     RUB     RUC
      1    19.52*  25.04   28.13   21.01   29.05   24.59   24.59   31.39
           (6.01)  (7.35)  (8.33)  (6.22)  (8.49)  (7.34)  (7.34)  (9.35)
      2    26.18   38.39   34.15   31.36   33.30   30.02   25.45*  32.53
           (5.59)  (8.47)  (7.47)  (7.11)  (7.37)  (6.50)  (5.51)  (7.28) 
      3    24.00*  32.13   33.11   32.34   29.43   30.57   58.21   38.00
           (5.43)  (7.40)  (7.54)  (7.45)  (7.05)  (7.22)  (13.54) (9.13)
      4    14.52*  19.20   15.36   17.01   21.4?   14.58   17.4?   16.3?
           (7.05)  (9.12)  (7.25)  (8.06)  (10.2?) (7.08)  (7.5?)  (7.3?)
      5#   23.01*  34.22   33.29   26.00   43.1?   24.13   32.5?   28.0?
           (6.35)  (9.49)  (9.34)  (7.26)  (12.2?) (6.55)  (9.4?)  (8.0?) 
      6#   24.29*  30.59   28.26   28.28   34.1?   27.09   30.39   28.44
           (6.17)  (7.57)  (7.17)  (7.18)  (8.4?)  (6.58)  (7.52)  (7.37) 
      7    20.36*  22.29   23.48   30.27   27.1?   26.50   47.41   26.39
           (5.34)  (6.05)  (6.26)  (8.14)  (7.2?)  (7.15)  (12.53) (7.20)
    * denotes winner of leg.
    # some teams (eg, AMA) 
    Individual times ending with '?' are estimated.

    TABLE 5 : 1998 Participants

    Leg #        RUA              RUB   		     RUC
      1   Nick Taussig	Nick Taussig		 Jean Taylor
      2   Joe Hannon	Keston Smith	    Chuck Weibel/Sagun Chanillo
      3   Dave Radnell	David Nacin		Maurice Hasson
      4   Rick Desper	Cliff Smyth		Walter Ashbacher
      5   Tom Bullock	Ryan Martin		Ben Muckenhaupt
      6   Paul Dreyer	Petr Cizek		Xiaochun Rong
      7   Rob Doran		Elizabeth Licholai  Xiaodong Sun/Rick Desper
    Leg #        PUA              PUB        	    PUC     
      1   Scott Anderson	Don Priour   		Steve Miller
      2   Scott Anderson	Liz Stuart		Marc-Andre Lafortune
      3   Jason Rhodes	Catherine Brown		Joel Shapiro
      4   Daniel Sanders	Lisa Barrow		Diane Whitmore
      5   Vamsi Madhav	Manjul Bhargava		Emma Carberry
      6   Matthew Kerr	Daniel Sanders		Vamsi Madhav
      7   Peter Hegarty	Peter Hegarty		Matthew Kerr
    Leg #      AMA 		     AMB
      1   Toufic Suidan	Anna Gilbert
      2   Cliff Meyer	Stephane Seuret
      3   Peter Mucha	Pierre Raphael
      4   Lea Popovic	Ingrid Daubechies
      5   Toufic Suidan	Tessy Papavasilou
      6   George Tzanetakis	Manuel Sales
      7   Fabrice Planchon	George Tzanetakis

    TABLE 6 : Breakdown of course (25.1 miles)

    The course is entirely contained within the New Jersey "Delaware and Raritan Canal State Park."
    List of intermediate access points courtesy of NJ Park Service.

    Even years

    Leg #  Distance(m)   Description of leg, intermediate access points
      0	0.0          Washington Rd.
    				0.6 Harrison St.
    				1.0 Millstone Aqueduct
      1	3.3          Washington Rd. - Kingston Lock (Route 27)
    				1.9 Route 518 (Rocky Hill)
    				2.9 Little Valley
      2	4.4          Kingston Lock (Route 27) - Griggstown Lock
    				0.7 Griggstown Causeway
      3	4.2          Griggstown Lock - Blackwells Mills Rd.
      4	2.1          Blackwells' Mills Rd. - East Millstone
    				2.1 Weston Causeway
    				2.7 Zarapath (Pillar of Fire)
      5	3.5          East Millstone - 10-Mile Lock (Footbridge)
    				2.3 South Bound Brook Lock
      6	3.9          10-Mile Lock (Footbridge) - 5-Mile Lock (Spillway)
    				1.6 Demott Lane
      7	3.7          5-Mile Lock (Spillway) - Landing Lane Bridge
    Maintained by: Charles Weibel, weibel @ math.rutgers.edu , last modified May 11, 1998