2006 Almgren Memorial Mayday Race Results
(May 7, 2006)

The Princeton Psychology Team Green, an amalgam of Psychology and Economics graduate students, were the winners of the 30th annual Fred Almgren memorial race trophy, winning with a time of 2:59. Second and third places went to the Princeton and Rutgers Math teams, respectively. This year (2006), there were three teams competing. At one point near the end of the race (10 Mile Locks), all three teams were all within 70 seconds of each other. This was the closest race in several years.

The results are presented below in a series of tables :

  • TABLE 1 : 2006 teams and overall times
  • TABLE 2 : Team split times
  • TABLE 3 : 2006 Participants and their times

    Click here to return to the main Race page. This includes a leg-by-leg breakdown of the 25.1-mile course.
    Click here for a general description of the race and its history.

    TABLE 1 : 2006 teams and overall times

    1. Princeton Psychology Team Green	2:58:45
    2. Princeton Math		        3:06:03
    3. Rutgers Math				3:09:49

    TABLE 2 : Team split times (at ends of legs)

    Leg     Finishing     Place:    first     second          third
    # dist  Location             Team Green Princeton Math   Rutgers Math
    - ----  -------------         --------- --------------   ------------
    0 00.0 Washington Road (start)	  00:00    00:00           00:00	
    1  3.25 Kingston Locks	 	  20:01    24:04           28:12
       5.6 Rocky Hill		       	   39:46 
    2  7.7  Griggstown		  54:08    58:03           58:53
    3 11.9  Blackwells Mills	1:23:19  1:26:27         1:25:36
    4 14.0  East Millstone		1:38:38  1:40:22         1:41:38     
    5 17.3 Ten Mile Locks		2:05:09  2:05:04*        2:06:19
    6 21.4  Five Mile Locks		2:36:04	 2:37:26**       2:42:52  
    7 25.1  Landing Lane (finish) 	2:58:45	 3:06:03         3:09:49
    Notes: * All three teams within 70 seconds at 10 Mile Locks. This was the only lead change during the race.
    ** No Princeton Math runner was present at 5 Mile Locks, at 2:37:26, and a volunteer (SR) ran the final leg for their team, departing at 2:38:03.

    TABLE 3 : 2006 Participants and their times

    Place / Team / Runner and leg #		time	
    1. Princeton Psychology Team Green (named for Green Hall)
    	1. Deforest McDuff      	20:01
    	2. Andy Womack   		34:07
    	3. Susan Robison (a)		29:11
    	4. Louis Lee			15:19
    	5. Mary Steffel			26:31
    	6. Amir Goren			30:55
    	7. Tom Vogl			22:41
    2. Princeton Math
    	1. David Lehavi (a)		24:08
    	2a. Linda Hung   		15:42
    	2b. Rachel Ward			19:07
    	3. Andrew Szilva (a)		27:34
    	4. Andrew Szilva (b)		13:55
    	5. Rahul Pandharipande		24:42
    	6. David Lehavi (b)		32:22
    	7. Susan Robison (b)		28:00
    3. Rutgers Math 
    	1. Forrest Collman 		28:12
    	2. Phil Wood			29:52
    	3. Scott Schneider		27:33
    	4. Mike Richter			16:02
    	5. Dan Staley			24:41
    	6. Brian Lins			36:33
    	7. Eduardo Osorio		26:57

    Maintained by: Charles Weibel, weibel @ math.rutgers.edu, last modified May 8, 2006