Combinatorics II – Spring 2017
Shubhangi Saraf
Timing: MTh 12 pm - 1:20 pm
Location: Hill-525
Office hours: Thursday 1:20
pm– 2:20 pm (Hill 426, Busch Campus)
Text: There is no text, but there are several books that we will be
referring to, and many of them will be on library reserve.
Some of the relevant books include: The
Probabilistic Method (Alon & Spencer), Extremal Combinatorics (Stasys Jukna), Linear
Algebra Methods in Combinatorics (Babai & Frankl)
Prerequisites: 16:642:582
or permission of instructor
Description: This
is the second part of a two-semester course surveying basic topics in combinatorics.
Topics for the full year should include most of:
• Enumeration (basics, generating functions,
recurrence relations, inclusion-exclusion, asymptotics)
• Matching theory, polyhedral and fractional issues
• Partially ordered sets and
lattices, Mobius functions
• Theory of finite sets, hypergraphs,
combinatorial discrepancy, Ramsey theory, correlation inequalities
• Probabilistic methods
• Algebraic and Fourier methods • Entropy methods
Grade: The grade will be based on problem sets. There will be about 4 -5
problem sets assigned over the course of the semester. There will be no exams.