Instructor: Swastik
Kopparty (
Class Time and Place: Tuesdays and
Wednesdays, 5:00pm – 6:30pm, in Hill 124
Office Hours: Wednesday 1:30-2:30
(Hill 432)
Prerequisites: undergraduate level
abstract algebra, mathematical maturity.
References: various online sources,
scribe notes.
This course will be an introduction
to basic algorithmic number theory (i.e., designing algorithms for number
theoretic problems).
Topics include:
and Diophantine approximation
discrete logarithms
Undecidability of solving Diophantine equations
curve algorithms
field algorithms
complexity of algebraic computation
Students will take turns scribing
the lectures, and the notes will be put up here. There will be 1-2 problem
Latex files for scribes: definitions, main file,
1 (due November 19)
Lecture Schedule
September 2:
course overview, Euclid’s algorithm, continued fractions (notes)
September 3:
continued fractions, rational approximation (notes)
September 9:
finding integer solutions to systems of linear equations (notes)
September 10:
finding complex solutions to univariate polynomials (notes)
September 16:
lattices, lattice reduction (notes)
September 17: the
LLL algorithm for lattice reduction (notes coming soon)
September 23: NO CLASS (make-up class to be
September 24: NO CLASS (make-up class to be
September 30:
polynomial factorization over rationals, finite field
basics (notes coming soon, see these related notes)
October 1: finding
roots of univariate polynomials over
finite fields (notes)
October 7:
factorization of univariate polynomials over finite fields (notes)
October 8:
deterministic factorization over finite fields (notes)
October 14:
multivariate factorization (notes)
October 15:
multivariate factorization continued, square roots mod m (notes coming soon)
October 21: square
roots mod pk, the multiplicative group of Zm, certifying primality (notes coming soon)
October 22:
randomized primality testing, deterministic primality testing (notes)
October 28:
deterministic primality testing continued (notes)
October 29:
discrete log
November 4:
discrete log continued, integer factoring
November 5:
integer factoring continued
November 11:
generating random factored integers
November 12:
elliptic curve basics
November 18: Schoof’s algorithm for point counting on elliptic curves, application
to square roots mod a prime
November 19:
finding small roots of polynomial congruences
November 25: NO CLASS (Thursday Schedule)
November 26: NO CLASS (Friday Schedule)
December 2: fast
Fourier transform, fast integer and polynomial multiplication
December 3: fast
integer and polynomial multiplication continued
December 9: undecidability of solving Diophantine equations
December 10: undecidability of solving Diophantine equations continued,
course wrap-up
December 11: MAKEUP CLASS: Fast quantum
algorithms for integer factorization.