640:373, Index: 00279, Section H1

Instructor: Surya Teja Gavva
Lectures: MTWH 10:10 am - 12:10 pm (Canvas/Conferences)
Course Site:  Canvas 



Course Objectives: The main objective of the courses is to introduce techniques and concepts of numerical analysis. We study various numerical algorithms to compute "good" approximations to various quantities of interest. The focus will both on the theoretical analysis and the computational aspects of these numerical methods. We study the implementation, efficiency, reliability, stability of these numerical algorithms.

 Topics :

To participate in the Lecture, go to and login using your net ID. We recommend using Firefox or Chrome. (If you are using your phone, do not use the Canvas App; it does not run BigBlueButton; instead use the browser in your phone.) Click on courses on the bar at the left, and go to our course. In the bar at the left, click on “Conferences”; the lectures and recitations will both be run as conferences “Conferences” through BigBlueButton.

At the class time, there will be a new conference that you will be able to join. During lectures, you will be able to ask questions by typing them in the chat feature; you will not be able to use your mic. 

Please activate your microphone upon entering the meeting, so that you will be able to use it when you need it.

You can ask questions during lecture (or type them in chat) just don't leave your microphone on the entire time.

During each class period, I will break up the lectures one or more times to have you work on some problems in smaller groups, using the ``breakout rooms'' feature in BBB. During this time, I ask that you turn on your webcam and microphone.

For more detailed instructions on the tools and websites noted here, see the links below:

a. Introduction to Canvas:  (Links to an external site.)

b. Introduction to conferences:  (Links to an external site.)

c. Using the conferences interface (BigBlueButton):  (Links to an external site.)

d. 24/7 Canvas Technical Support: 



MATLAB Resources

Students can download, install, and use Matlab on their personally owned computers. The software can be accessed on the Rutgers University Software Portal

 Solutions to Equations
John H. Mathews Animations
Bisection Method app
False Position app
False Position app
Secant Method app
Newton Method app

Cubic Spline Interpolation
Bezier Curves

Numerical Integration

Some disasters caused by numerical errors



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