Michael Saks
Professor of Mathematics
Rutgers University
For potential applicants to our graduate programs

I am a member of the graduate faculty in Mathematics and also Computer Science, and have been thesis advisor for students in each of these departments.

Admission to the graduate program in these programs is done separately by departmental committees. Individual faculty members do not make decisions about whom they will admit to work with them. Here are links to information about the admission process for Mathematics and Computer Science .

Keep in mind that admission to the graduate program are very competitive. I am not able to reply to individual requests from appllicants about their chance for admission.

After applications arrive, I am usually asked to review a few files in my area of interest and provide opinions to the admissions committees. If I hear of an application of special interest to me I may look at it myself. If you are planning to apply to the graduate program and you think that your application might be of particular interest to me, feel free to email me alerting me to your application and providing some details about your interests. I collect such emails that I receive and look at them together during the graduate admissions process. I do not have time to reply personally to such emails. In particular, I am not able to provide a preliminary evaluation of your chances of being admitted to our program.

Normally, I make decisions about working with students only after they have spent at least a year as a graduate student at Rutgers

I do not have money to provide financial support for entering Ph.D. students. Such students are usually supported by departmental TAs or fellowships, or (for CS students) research assistantships connected with one of the departmental laboratories.