Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating Survey
Fall 2012
(Online Survey)

 01:640:151:36   19485       Devlin Patrick  
         ENROLL=   25       RESP=  14 (56%)     STRONGLY                    STRONGLY  # OF     MEAN    MEAN  MEAN   MEAN       
                                                DISAGREE        NEUTRAL       AGREE     NO      OF      OF    OF     OF      
PART A: UNIVERSITY-WIDE QUESTIONS:                   1      2      3      4     5   RESPONSES SECTION COURSE DEPT   LEVEL   

  1. The instructor was prepared for class and     
     presented the material in an organized manner   1      0      0      2    11       0      4.57    4.25  4.21   4.18
  2. The instructor responded effectively to       
     student comments and questions                  1      0      0      0    13       0      4.71    4.19  4.09   4.05
  3. The instructor generated interest in the      
     course material                                 1      0      0      3    10       0      4.50    4.06  3.95   3.94
  4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward 
     assisting all students in understanding       
     course material                                 1      0      0      1    12       0      4.64    4.33  4.23   4.21
  5. The instructor assigned grades fairly           1      0      0      3    10       0      4.50    4.15  4.14   4.12
  6. The instructional methods encouraged student  
     learning                                        1      0      0      3    10       0      4.50    3.96  3.85   3.82
  7. I learned a great deal in this course           1      0      1      2     9       1      4.38    3.91  3.83   3.78
  8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject  
     matter and wanted to take this course           0      2      3      3     6       0      3.93    3.95  3.47   3.40
                                                   POOR                     EXCELLENT
  9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the      
     instructor as                                   0      0      0      4    10       0      4.71    3.96  3.86   3.83
 10. I rate the overall quality of the course as     0      0      0      8     6       0      4.43    3.93  3.79   3.75

What do you like best about this course?:

What a well rounded teacher the person is.

he really wants his students to learn funny and entertaining, but good at keeping focus

The professor.

I like math so I liked the entire course.

The teacher was great. He generated a lot of interest and gave a lot of support.

Easy to understand.

He started the class by reviewing the material discussed from the past week to help us understand it.

The TA was outstanding. Very helpful and kind.

A little history of math in between

Pat is so cool! He must be really young, but he kept the class captivated the whole time using a lot of funny references and stories when he tried teaching the concepts. He always pushes us to go to him for help and is so eager and willing to aid those who are lost.

I like the TA the best in this course. Pat was always such a fun guy who was willing to share his knowledge of calculus. He always knew how to make the class smile and teach effectively at the same time.

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

I would focus on newer topics.

not much


I would have had more examples.

Nothing. I like it the way it is.

Have better examples and worked out solutions.

Not much

Do more problems during the recitations.


He's already a really good teacher. He covers the material within the given recitation time frame and helps out outside of the class time as much as possible too.

Nothing really, I think Pat has it down.

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

he really likes to emphasize certain subjects and that has sparked my interest in those subjects

I learned what you can do with math as a degree.

We personally spoke since I am interested in math and he helped me clearly see what career I wanted with math.

When I go for extra help, he gives me a lot of insight into the problem. For once, I actually liked math.

To not be afraid of asking questions.

He encouraged all of us to work in groups and study

The TA was helpful in his office hours and never failed to explain everything,

He's really good at explaining things that people don't get the first time around at the lectures. He uses cute illustrations and makes the class so much more entertaining with his gestures.

Instead of only teaching normal calculus, Pat used the free time we had to talk about the subject of math as a whole and all of its hidden and interesting facts. He made calculus and math in general seem a whole lot more interesting, which I felt was a key component to his teaching style. He engages the students not only by being upbeat and hilarious, but he engages students intellectually as well and allows the students to think and ponder calculus as a whole.

Other comments or suggestions::

You are doing an excellent job Pat!

Pat was the best. He never showed any kind of disparity when concerning grades and came to class with the same smile every day. He was always happy to help during office hours and was always there when I personally needed him. Pat was also very organized and helpful by consistently sending me emails about lectures, recitations, assignments and due dates. He kept on top of everything very nicely, which is why i feel is the reason why calculus recitation is the only class i've gone to all year.