All first year calculus courses using peer mentors consist of 2 lectures and 1 workshop per week. Peer mentors attend all workshops for *two* calculus sections and work with the graduate teaching assistants leading those workshops. Workshops are devoted to discussing homework and other problems. Depending on the professor, some sections may also include quizzes. In the workshop, the peer mentor helps facilitate problems, and also helps with the administration of the workshop, by returning graded quizzes or problems and helping to give any quiz. Outside of workshop, the peer mentor meets with the course instructor and the graduate teaching assistant once a week to discuss the material covered in the lectures, specific workshop problems for that week, and students' learning of the course material.

Average total work load (recitation+meetings+preparation) is about 4.5 hours/weeks.

Training sessions: All peer mentors are required to attend 8 training sessions throughout the Fall semester (these sessions will run every other Wednesday from 8:40am to 10:00am).

In these sessions peer mentors will be introduced to theories of learning and thinking, and to instructional strategies relevant to the learning and teaching of undergraduate mathematics.



The peer mentor program actively recruits applicants at the end of the spring semester. But you are welcome to indicate your interest at any time. Just leave your name and e-mail with us and we will contact you at the appropriate time.