(Hungarian) characters with double acute accents

many browsers won't show them properly
[including Netscape at Rutgers]
I use Mozilla Firefox  :-)

Use Western ISO-8859-1 or Unicode character encodings
to view this page properly.

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The four characters below don't have (named) entity references, so you need to use character references:

ő for    ő     [ TeX code \H{o} ]
Ő for    Ő     [ TeX code \H{O} ]
ű for    ű     [ TeX code \H{u} ]
Ű for    Ű     [ TeX code \H{U} ]

for more character sets used for Windows, see e.g.,   www.alanwood.net/demos/wgl4.html

and for Alan Wood's Unicode Resources, visit   www.alanwood.net/unicode/

Examples: from Császár Ákos, Magyar származású matematikusok hozzájárulása a matematika fejlődéséhez (Ákos Császár, The contribution of mathematicians of Hungarian origin to the development of mathematics)


names are in Hungarian format: Family names precede Given names
the starred names use double acute accents

the true given names are used; names in square brackets afterwards are alternative names often used in Western literature

Bolyai Farkas[Wolfgang]1775–1856
Bolyai János[Johann]1802–1860
Farkas Gyula[Julius]1847–1930
Kőnig Gyula *[Julius]1849–1913
Riesz Frigyes[Frederic]1880–1956
Fejér Lipót[Leopold]1880–1959
Kőnig Dénes * (son of Gyula)  1883–1944
Haar Alfréd1885–1933
Fekete Mihály[Michael]1886–1957
Riesz Marcell[Marcel] (brother of Frigyes)  1886–1969
Pólya György[George]1887–1985
Szegő Gábor *1895–1985
Wald Ábrahám1902–1950
Neumann János  [John von Neumann] 1903–1957
Turán Pál[Paul]1910–1976
Hajós György1912–1972
Erdős Pál *[Paul]1913–1996
Rényi Alfréd1921–1970

Both father and son, Kőnig Gyula and Kőnig Dénes used the German spelling König in their publications. The otherwise wonderful mathematics history site www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/history/BiogIndex.html is unreliable about Hungarian diacritical marks (e.g., on www-history.mcs.st-andrews.ac.uk/Mathematicians/Konig_Julius.html K.Gy.'s birthplace should be Győr not Györ).
