Teaching, Mentoring, and Service

In Fall 2024 I am teaching Math 411: Mathematical Analysis I.. I am an organizer of the Rutgers Geometry/Topology Seminar, the math department coordinator for the DIMACS REU, and the faculty adviser for the Rutgers Student AWM Chapter..

Other Activities

Previous courses:
Postdoctoral supervision:
  • A. Mallick. Current.
  • K. Raoux (co-supervised with M. Hedden, Fall 2017-Spring 2021). Currently an assistant professor at the University of Arkansas.
Graduate supervision:
Undergraduate research supervision through Rutgers's DIMACS REU:
  • Concordance invariants of satellite knots, Summer 2023. Co-supervised with A. Mallick. This project led to this paper.
  • Relationships between combinatorial knot invariants, Summer 2021. This project led to this paper, now published by Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal.
  • Algebraic invariants of pretzel knots, Summer 2020. This project led to this paper, now published by Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.
Undergraduate research supervision through MSU's Exchange Research Program:
  • Combinatorial knot Floer homology and immersed curves, Fall 2017. Co-mentored with K. Raoux.
Undergraduate research supervision as a TA for the Columbia Topology REU:
  • Heegaard Floer Homology and the Fundamental Group, Summer 2013. Project Head: Jen Hom. This project led to this paper.
  • Knot Floer Homology and Concordance, Summer 2012. Project Heads: Jen Hom and Peter Horn. This project led to this paper.
  • Knot Floer Homology: Properties and Computations, Summer 2011. Project Head: Jen Hom. This project led to this paper.
Invited minicourses:
Conference organization:
Notable outreach:
  • In Summer 2018 and 2019 I ran a weeklong free-for-the-participants Girls' Topology Camp for middle school aged girls at MSU.
  • In Spring 2018 I presented at the Spartan Girls' Math and Science Day.
Past organizational roles:
  • From April-October 2020 I co-organized the Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology Seminar.
  • From Fall 2016-Spring 2019 I co-organized the MSU Geometry and Topology Seminar.
  • In Spring 2015 I organized the UCLA Topology Seminar.
  • From Fall 2011 to Spring 2013, I co-organized the Columbia Graduate Topology Seminar.