Jian Song
Jian Song
Department of Mathematics
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Hill 526, Busch Campus
110 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019
Email: jiansong@math.rutgers.edu
Phone: 848.445.7983
Fax: 732.445.5530
Fall 2014: Multivariable Calculus 640:251
Publication and preprints
The Ricci flow on the sphere with marked points, with D.H. Phong, J. Sturm and X. Wang, arXiv:1407.1118
Riemannian geometry of Kahler-Einstein currents, arXiv:1404.0445
A remark on Kahler metrics with conical singularities along a simple normal crossing divisor, with V. Datar, arXiv:1309.5013
Connecting toric conical Kahler-Einstein manifolds, with V. Datar, B. Guo and X. Wang, arXiv:1308.6781
Ricci flow and birational surgery, arXiv:1304.2607
Degeneration of Kahler-Ricci solitons on Fano manifolds, with D.H. Phong and J. Sturm, arXiv:1211.5849
The degenerate J-flow and the Mabuchi energy on minimal surfaces of general type, with B. Weinkove, to appear in Universitatis Iagellonicae Acta Mathematica, arXiv:13091810
The greatest Ricci lower bound, conical Einstein metrics and the Chern number inequality, with X. Wang, arXiv:1207.4839
The J-flow on Kahler surfaces: a boundary case, with H. Fang, M. Lai and B. Weinkove, Anal. PDE 7 (2014), no. 215-226, arXiv:1204.4068
Some Type I solutions of Ricci flow with rotational symmetry, to appear in I.M.R.N., arXiv:1203.2688
On a conjecture of Candelas and de la Ossa, to appear in Comm. Math. Phys., arXiv:1201.4358
Bounding scalar curvature for global solutions of the Kahler-Ricci flow, with G. Tian, arXiv:1111.5681
The Kahler-Ricci flow on projective bundles, with B. Szekelyhidi and B. Weinkove, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN 2013, no. 2, 243-257, arXiv:1107.2144
Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kahler-Ricci flow II, with B. Weinkove, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 108 (2014), no. 6, 1529-1561, arXiv:1102.1759
Metric flips with Calabi ansatz, with Y. Yuan, Geom. Func. Anal. 22 (2012), no. 1, 240-265, arXiv:1011.1608
Contracting exceptional divisors by the Kähler-Ricci flow, with B. Weinkove, Duke Math. J. 162 (2013), no.2, 367-415, arXiv:1003.0718
The Kahler-Ricci flow through singularities, with G. Tian, arXiv:0909.4898
Finite time extinction of the Kahler-Ricci flow, arXiv:0905.0939
The Kahler-Ricci flow on Hirzebruch surfaces, with B. Weinkove, J. Reine Angew. Math. 659 (2011), 141-168, arXiv:0903.1900
The modified Kahler-Ricci flow and solitons, with D.H. Phong, J. Sturm and B. Weinkove, Comment. Math. Helv. 86 (2011), no. 1, 91-112, arXiv:0809.0941
Canonical measures and Kahler-Ricci flow, with G. Tian, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 25 (2012), no. 2, 303-353, arXiv:0802.2570
Test configurations, large deviations and geodesic rays on toric varieties, with S. Zelditch, Adv. Math. 229 (2012), no. 4 2338-2378, arXiv:0712.3599
Bergman metrics and geodesics in the space of Kähler metrics on toric varieties, with S. Zelditch, Anal. PDE 3 (2010), no. 3, 295-358, arXiv:0707.3082
The Kahler-Ricci flow with positive bisectional curvature, with D.H. Phong, J. Sturm and B. Weinkove, Invent. Math. 173 (2008), no. 3, 651-665, arXiv:0706.2852
The Kahler-Ricci flow and the $\bar\partial$ operator on vector fields, with D.H. Phong, J. Sturm and B. Weinkove, J. Differential Geom. 81 (2009), no. 3, 631-647, arXiv:0705.4048
Constructions of Kahler-Einstein metrics with negative scalar curvature, with B. Weinkove, Math. Ann. 347 (2010), no. 1, 59-79, arXiv:0704.1005
Convergence of Bergman geodesics on CP^1, with S. Zelditch, Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 57 (2007), no. 7, 2209-2237, arXiv:math/0703517
On Donaldson's flow of surfaces in a hyperkahler four-manifold, with B. Weinkove, Math. Z. 256 (2007), no. 4, 769-787, arXiv:math/0606394
The Moser-Trudinger inequality on Kahler-Einstein manifolds, with D.H. Phong, J. Sturm and B. Weinkove, Amer. J. Math. 130 (2008), no. 3, 651-665, arXiv:math/0604076
The Kahler-Ricci flow on surfaces of positive Kodaira dimension, with G. Tian, Invent. Math. 170 (2007), no. 3, 609-653, arXiv:math/0602150
Energy functionals and canonical Kahler metrics, with B. Weinkove, Duke Math. J. 137 (2007), no. 1, 159-184, arXiv:math/0505476
On the convergence and singularities of the J-flow with applications to the Mabuchi energy, with B. Weinkove, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 61 (2008), no. 2, 210-229, arXiv:math/0410418
The α-invariant on Toric Fano Manifolds, Amer. J. Math. 127 (2005), no. 6, 1247-1259, arXiv:math/0307288
The α-invariant on CP^2 blown up at two points, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), no. 1 45-57, arXiv:math/0205041
I do research in differential geometry, global complex geometry, geometric analysis and partial differential equations. Here is my CV.
Seminar and Conference
Lecture notes on the Kahler-Ricci flow, with B. Weinkove, ‘An introduction to the Kahler-Ricci flow’, 89-188, Lecture Notes in Math., 2086, Springer, Cham, 2013, arXiv:1212.3653
Complex Monge-Ampere equations, with D.H. Phong and J. Sturm, Surveys in Differential Geometry, vol. 17, 327-411 (2012) arXiv:1209.2203
The Szego kernel on an orbifold circle bundle, thesis at Columbia University, 2004