Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating
(Online Survey - Sakai)
Guadagni Joseph
Spring 2017, 01:640:152:19 — CALC II MATH/PHYS (Lecture) (multiple sections, 01:640:152:19, 01:640:152:20, 01:640:152:21)
Enrollment= 79, Responses= 29

Part A: University-wide Questions:
Student Responses Weighted Means
No response
Section Course Level Dept
1. The instructor was prepared for class and presented the material in an organized manner. 1 0 1 4 23 0 4.66 4.38 4.36 4.40
2. The instructor responded effectively to student comments and questions. 1 0 2 5 21 0 4.55 4.27 4.23 4.29
3. The instructor generated interest in the course material. 1 1 2 7 18 0 4.38 4.05 4.10 4.14
4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward assisting all students in understanding course material. 0 2 1 7 19 0 4.48 4.36 4.33 4.39
5. The instructor assigned grades fairly. 1 3 2 7 16 0 4.17 4.15 4.18 4.23
6. The instructional methods encouraged student learning. 1 1 4 7 16 0 4.24 4.07 4.05 4.09
7. I learned a great deal in this course. 1 1 0 8 19 0 4.48 4.10 4.03 4.14
8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject matter and wanted to take this course. 1 1 7 8 12 0 4.00 3.77 3.38 3.63
9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the instructor as: 0 2 1 8 18 0 4.45 4.12 4.07 4.13
10. I rate the overall quality of the course as: 1 3 3 7 15 0 4.10 3.98 3.90 4.02

What do you like best about this course?:

I really liked my professor. He was very helpful and I found it very fun and enjoyable to learn. Probably my favorite class this semester

I think the lectures were super helpful. I think the majority of the knowledge I retained from this class was from the lectures. All the extra material and practice problems given definitely helped me to prepare for exams too.

I really enjoyed the calc 2 lectures and I learned a lot from this course. The professor explained all topics and theories very clearly and he answered questions very well. The professor was very organized and he had a positive attitude while teaching the material.

I really appreciated that he assigned webassigns a week after the lecture. I also liked that he did several examples every class. This helped my studying for the exams.

Math is really interesting.

The lectures

I like some of the content of the class.


I enjoyed learning about series and sequences.

An English speaking professor that is clear.

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

The only thing I would change is to give more optional homework. When I study I find I sometimes run out of problems and I end up having to either re-do webassigns 3 times over or going into the book to pick out random problems. It would have been helpful for me if there was a structured regimen of problems from the book that would prepare me for the exam.

I think that the course was efficient because in lectures, professor would explain the theories, solve a few questions, then give us some time to answer question on our own. I think it was very organized, and so I wouldn't do anything differently.

The exams were very difficult during the semester. Even the averages were in the 40s. I might have made the exams more fair-to-do.

Nothing change.

Assign Partial Credit in a way that was well deserved. There is no reason that after studying so hard, the average was not even a 40%

Not much maybe create a study sheet with memorized formulas

I would be more enraging with the material instead of writing the notes on to the board. Its better to provide realistic examples of problems that could show up on my exams.


try and make the material more interesting.

Add some enthusiasm to the lectures.

I would explain problems step by step and warn about possible calculation mistakes. Also give practice exams and have review sessions before exam

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

He was very helpful during office hours.

The applications of calc II that Joe described made me actually want to learn calc II since it seemed so applicable.

Professor encouraged me to study because I enjoyed the lectures and wanted to learn. I also always wanted to have my questions ready ahead of time so I can ask him before lecture, so I tried to keep up with my coursework in calc.

He made a difficult topic manageable with his preparation and forethought. I wouldn't have considered taking calc3 without this course.


Allowed me to think more critically

The midterms were difficult so it pushed me to study harder each time.


He did a lot of example problems, which helped me understand the concepts.

Not really encouraging.

Other comments or suggestions::

In conclusion, I enjoyed the lectures and I'm feeling good about studying for the final exam.

The chalk board was very difficult to see from the desks on the side of the classroom due to glare. I ended up coming 20 minutes early so as to get a seat front and center if possible but I know some took 8am classes that didn't have that option. Those students' grades undoubtedly suffered from wasted class time trying to see the board.

Loved your teaching style. However, at times you did go by pretty quickly. Very charismatic and your jokes are good too!




Joe was okay.