Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating
(Online Survey - Sakai)
Guadagni Joseph
Fall 2018, 01:640:135:04 — CALCULUS I (Lecture) (multiple sections, 01:640:135:04, 01:640:135:05, 01:640:135:06)
Enrollment= 90, Responses= 42

Part A: University-wide Questions:
Student Responses Weighted Means
No response
Section Course Level Dept
1. The instructor was prepared for class and presented the material in an organized manner. 1 0 0 5 34 2 4.78 4.32 4.37 4.37
2. The instructor responded effectively to student comments and questions. 3 3 1 10 24 1 4.20 4.15 4.21 4.24
3. The instructor generated interest in the course material. 3 2 4 15 17 1 4.00 4.02 4.08 4.09
4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward assisting all students in understanding course material. 4 1 8 14 14 1 3.80 4.28 4.33 4.35
5. The instructor assigned grades fairly. 4 5 6 12 14 1 3.66 4.20 4.17 4.19
6. The instructional methods encouraged student learning. 1 2 11 9 18 1 4.00 3.92 3.98 4.01
7. I learned a great deal in this course. 1 2 9 12 16 2 4.00 3.89 3.96 4.03
8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject matter and wanted to take this course. 11 4 11 7 8 1 2.93 3.32 3.41 3.56
9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the instructor as: 1 5 7 8 20 1 4.00 3.96 4.02 4.04
10. I rate the overall quality of the course as: 3 4 14 6 14 1 3.59 3.80 3.85 3.91

What do you like best about this course?:

I love math even though I am bad at it, so generally, I liked everything about the course. I liked Dr. G's thorough and colorful notes very much. I've nver had the best math classes, but Dr. G's class was def intersting and well structured.

Definitely the professor. He has a very welcoming personality and a passion for math.

I liked that we did plenty of examples.

It was a challenge that allowed me to adapt to what college classes are really like

I liked applying the use of calculus to real life situations.

I like how the homework problems were structured to allow the students to use what they know and sometimes challenge themselves, which really helped to prepare for the exams.

I like how the professor presented the notes to the students.

The homework assignments were easy and fair.

My favorite thing about this class was that the professor would write on his iPad, and it would get projected onto two screens, which made the lecture very engaging and easy to follow with. He would write down everything he was saying which was very helpful.

the material was taught very well.

I liked how the lectures were projected and how efficient he was with his examples.

The final provides an opportunity to increase your grade even if prior grades are not good.

Overall, Dr. G is an amazing person as well as professor.

Calculus is my favorite class so I really enjoyed everything.

The notes and problems were very helpful in understanding material each week and the lecturer was pretty interesting when lecturing.

Dr. G's lectures and lecture notes are amazing.

Dr. G is organized, articulates information really well, and wants us to succeed

I like the professors teaching style, even though it was difficult material to cover he still taught efficiently.

uploading the notes online

weekly quizzes to monitor progress

Dr. G was extremely prepared, punctual, helpful, and in my opinion hilarious. Anyone who can make math funny deserves a medal.

The content of the course was explained clearly and lecture notes were neat and organized.

The us of technology in the lecture process was excellent.

This course teaches me new math skills I can apply every day.

The way the material is taught.

I like the organizational dynamic he has created in this classroom.


The professor was always very organized with his lecture material. Posting the notes online really helps me personally double check my notes to make sure I'm not learning inaccurate information.

Something I liked best about this course was the lectures because they were very in depth. The instructor was always prepared for class, and he taught the material well.

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

Make the exams a little more straight forward

Have harder problems on the MathXL

The quizzes should definitely always match the difficulty of the exams in my opinion. It was surprising just how different the exams were from the quizzes difficulty wise. Other than that, everything else is perfect.

I would just try to not overexplain things because that makes things more confusing sometimes.

Provide more problems and variety in the homework

Condense some of the material or go through certain sections in more than one class.

I would try to make the recitation a little more up to date with the lectures of that week, so perhaps keep the recitation as the last class of that week. Currently, the recitation covers work from the previous week after a new lecture has been given in that new week, so it falls behind.

I would be better at helping the students especially with any personal problems they were facing. The homework was tedious.

I felt the exams were much harder and complex than they needed to be, especially when looking at the other calculus exams given by other professors. It led to my grade being lower than I wanted it to be, even though I understand lots of the material.

I would try to be happier in answering students' questions.

I think that the exams were quite difficult, I would do wel on the quizzes and understand the math xl, but when it came to the exams I would not do well. The way he thought made it seem as though you knew what you were doing, but I do not think that it was effective during the exam. So I would do more examples worded like the exam which I thought was the hardest part.

Sometimes when doing problems, when going from one step to the next, the instructor assumes that most of the class knows what he has done to get to the next step even though that may not be the case.


I would allow more chances for students to figure things out on their own rather than only doing examples on the board.


The exams difficulty is a serious step up in terms of the homework and classwork you do so perhaps show harder examples in class and the homework to prepare you better for exam material.

Tweak exams... I will explain further below.

If I taught this course I would go at a slower pace so all students could have a better understanding.

more review for tests/ quizzes, make the lectures so that students are better prepared

Discuss or show examples in class of some of the more difficult applications of concepts that will appear on exams

Absolutely nothing.

The professor seemed to pride himself in creating more difficult exams than other professors, which is incredibly unfair to his students. Many students take Math 135 to fulfill major requirements, and intentionally making the course more difficult than other professors' courses is inappropriate. Exam averages below 50% are disappointing and discouraging.

possibly expand/focus on topics that traditionally have a low rate of understanding.

I would be a little more lenient in terms of grading.

I would not do anything differently.


Make the exams a little less challenging

LET EVERYONE PASS IF THEY EARN IT. Theres no need to set up the class like a competition. The subject matter is hard enough on its own we don't need to be fighting with each other to be able to pass.

If I were teaching this course, I would slow down during lectures. I would focus on specific examples. Sometimes I felt overwhelmed by the amount of examples and material we learned in one class. Also, I would try my best to interact with the class by asking more questions.

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

Encouraged us to do more practice problems and basically form good study habits.

Dr. G holds his students accountable like no other professor. This helps adapt students to the college lifestyle well.

This specific class made it clear to me just how much I needed to change as a person to better my growth and secure my future. For that I thank you, and I hope to implement these changes in the coming semester and for the rest of my life.

It made me realize that I’m going to have to step up my game because it’s not nearly anything like high school. I think this was a great eye opener and will help me improve my intellectual growth and progress.

He pushed me to study harder and change my study habits

I have learned how to apply calculus to certain situations in life, and it has greatly improved my work ethic since this course requires hours of work outside of class too.

The instructor is always open to questions, to help clear any and every confusion.


He made me want to study harder.

Not in any ways.

He helped me understand calc better

It has taught me how to learn things independently sometimes

Dr. G forces his students to understand that just going to lecture and doing the homework is not enough, students must go above and beyond to succeed


Kinda helped me understand calc to a certain extent.

Dr. G has given me a new appreciation of numbers and mathematics

I better understand the thought process behind calculus (and precalculus actually) rather than just memorizing steps and equations

I have been encouraged to work on myself and worry about my grades more.

encouraged students to study on their own

Dr. G was encouraging and open to questions. Despite how sure I was that I was probably correct, I had no qualms about raising my hand.

His attitude and lecturing methods helped encourage growth and understanding.

I built up on my math skills and have a better understanding of the concepts.

Taught me more about calculus.

He constantly encourages ways for students to get more help.

Very much so

This course greatly damaged my intellectual growth and progress. When so many people fail THIS class specifically... think... maybe it's not SO MANY STUDENTS. Maybe....just maybe... its the course itself. It's designed to be taken twice by many students and honestly thats a scam, financially and academically setting people back when the university KNOWS that its happening.

The instructor wrote very useful notes and posted them, which was extremely helpful to me and others.

The instructor did a good job explaining all the material in detail. Also, he never hesitated to clarify something a student did not understand.

Other comments or suggestions::

Dr. G obviously cares deeply about his students. He grasps calculus better than anyone I've seen in my life (expected as a college prof however) but this makes his teaching ability far superior to what I expected from the university.


The midterms were unnecessarily hard and had complex and time consuming problems.

The instuctor is a very strict grader - he'll take points off for almost anything! Also, other professors hand our very straight-forward exams, however this professor hands out extremely difficult ones - he'll even joke about how hard his exams are during lecture! Him being a very hard grader, and his exams also being hard, does not make this a very great environment for learning.

He is not a bad professor, I think he gets his point across and does a good job of explaining things, but I think he makes the exams very difficult a little bit more than they need to be.



For someone who hates math in general, he made this class actually a good experience for me.

The only thing I find concerning is that class averages for exams are consistently 50 or so... how can that be? Shouldn't that be a red flag that something is going wrong here? I mean, if I were teaching a group of students about calculus and then saw that the majority of my students could not even pass my exams, I would find it necessary to rethink my approach. It would seem logical to me that this is a strong indication that something ins going wrong somewhere. For me, as a student in this course, I would wager that the "problem" I am insinuating here is the exams. Personally, I follow along well in lecture, I understand and complete the overwhelming majority of assigned homeworks, recommended textbook problems, and recitation worksheets. And yet, on the exams, I have received the poorest marks that I have ever gotten in my entire time as a student. The problem I seem to have with these exams is managing time. I am not suggesting that Dr. G hits us with these curveballs or problems that we have never discussed before. Rather, I am suggesting that it may be possible that the exam time is not long enough for the exam itself. I don't know, take that however you may. Just maybe something to consider... Thank you

I'd definitely choose to take a class with Dr. G if i have to take further math dept. classes!


If Dr. G somehow loses his passion for teaching, there is always stand-up comedy. I'd go to his show.



I think that he was a great teacher.

The exams are much more difficult in comparison to recitation quizzes and homework assignments

The professor was very unprofessional with his handling of a students reddit post about him. He's a professor at a well regarded university, he shouldn't be trying to embarrass a student in front of the class, no matter what they post online. Even if it was a public post, he's still a professor and should maintain a professional composure no matter how insulted he may be by a kids reddit post.