About the Rutgers calculus workshops

Brief history and current use
Workshops have been used in the Math 151-2 calculus courses since the 1995 academic year. At that time, S. Greenfield, building on much previous work done by M. Beals, A. Cohen, and S. Greenfield in the Intensive Calculus "Excel" courses, wrote a collection of workshop problems. Some of these problems originated in that collection, but many other people have contributed to what's presented here. V. Scheffer contributed much to the preservation and expansion of the second semester problems.
The current set of problems is intended to assist instructors in selecting problems appropriate for their students. Instructors certainly will not use every problem listed here, and many instructors may create problems of their own. Please note that the textbook has many problems which could be used for workshops, and including a textbook problem occasionally is almost surely a very good idea. The problems vary in difficulty from the totally routine to the more intricate. Note that phrases such as "Explain why ..." or "Justify ..." have been systematically omitted, since the writeups of the problems will always be graded for exposition as well as content (see below).
Here is the background material which we have asked (June, 2007) to be inserted into the Rogawski calculus text. Information about workshops begins on page 4 of this 9 page insert.

An update: July 2010

The index links
The Rogawski section number and title, when "moused", will give a very brief outline of the problem. "Clicking" will give a pdf link with a view of the single problem, including any pictures. The plain TEX file is a text file. Strange or intricate typography will be avoided. The epsf package is invoked with \input epsf and is used to insert pictures, diagrams, or graphs as needed. Each such illustration should have a link in the last column, in eps format. Usually the pictures will be created using Maple or using the free program, Xfig. If the picture is created with Xfig, a corresponding Xfig file is included in the picstuff directory (thus the companion to wA.eps is wA.fig).

Grading workshops
Please grade both for content and presentation. One instructor has written the following for students:

Each workshop report will be graded on a scale of 0-10. Half the points are for "mathematical content" and half for "exposition". If the mathematics is illegible then you cannot get either the content points or the exposition points. "Exposition" includes the format described above, the layout of your computations, and the explanatory sentences. More words are not necessarily better! "Content" includes the mathematical appropriateness of the work you do, and the correctness of the computations (numerical and symbolic) and any diagrams and graphs you use to motivate, carry out, and report your work and your results.
Late workshops will generally not be accepted!
Roughly speaking scores are given as follows: 0 means nothing legible is there. 2 means there is some relevant work in proper format, but it makes almost no progress. 4 means the format is okay and there is some mathematical progress. 6 means format and exposition is okay and there is reasonable mathematical progress. 8 means format and exposition is okay and the mathematics is almost complete. 10 means there are no important errors in math or exposition. Intermediate score are intermediate: e.g. 7 is between 6 and 8.
What's handed in should be legible, and, if more than one page, stapled.

How to use this collection of workshops

Please freely modify or abridge any of these problems to suit your instructional needs better, and please send feedback about the problems given here. Also very welcome are any suggestions for new problems to be listed in this collection. Problems can be put on workshops which do not necessarily focus on the current week's lectures, or which combine current material with older material in novel ways.
The workshop problems also can be a useful source of exam problems. In many cases, however, they must be suitably simplified and shortened. Some problems are intended to be more open-ended, to encourage exploration and discovery, and some problems may even be intentionally written in an obscure way, imitating more realistic situations. Some of the problems can certainly be used as instructional material, in lectures, etc.

Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 1/15/2008;
additions made 7/5/2010.