
January 18, 2001

I've established a mailing list of the students in this course. Please let me know if you should not be on this list.

The course now has a home page:

or just follow the link on my home page:

Several students in the class may have jobs with standard work hours. Therefore I will be available to answer questions after every class. There may be exceptions, but I hope they will be rare! I don't resent this: it's part of my job, and I generally enjoy it. Also, if you ask me questions, the interaction resulting may help me teach you and other people better. I may also be available before class, but sometimes seminars or other appointments may intervene. As I mentioned in class, e-mail is usually an effective way to reach me. There will be additional times I will be available.

I hope the web page will contain links to my handouts for this course.

Please let me know if I am going too fast, too slow, too abstract, too silly, etc. Feedback is useful.

I will try to grade and return written work at the next class meeting after it is given to me.

Attendance: you should generally plan to be in class. There will be "exercises" in class which will count towards the course grade, and homework assignments will be given. Rarely, material will be discussed in class which is not covered in the textbook. More frequently, matters will be discussed in ways which are different from what is done in the text.

January 25, 2001

The Math 403 section 5 homepage

now has links to a homework assignment page and to a (very rudimentary!) lecture outline page. You should still plan to be in class, however. As explained, in-class work cannot be made up.

Please let me know if you should not be on this mailing list. Thank you.

February 5, 2001

just looked at the Rutgers web page and found

       NEWS FLASH - Feb. 5, 2001

       Newark & New Brunswick/Piscataway Classes Cancelled All classes
       on the New Brunswick/Piscataway campus after 4:30 p.m. have
       been cancelled. All classes on the Newark campus after 5:30
       p.m. have been cancelled. Offices and other operations of the
       university remain open
Get home, drive safely, etc.

We can worry about making up stuff later. See you Wednesday.

Be well.

February 8, 2001

I thought we discussed or covered very little last night in class, but when I wrote up my notes on the web "Outline" page I seem to have touched on quite a lot. I am sorry if I went too fast -- I go faster when I'm tired and I was tired. Part of your responsibility: please give me feedback on speed/ideas/methods so that I can be more effective. I forgot to give a "quiz" -- everyone gets a free point (heck, you get a free point anyway!).

I put up a homework assignment DUE MONDAY on the web page

and hope you can get to it.

Thank you.

February 15, 2001

The homework assignment due Monday is on the web. Also, quoting from the outline page:

Current plans are to have the first exam in two weeks (February 28) covering material up to what is done in class on February 21. Also, in addition to availability before and after class and by appointment, the instructor will try to have an evening "office hour" on Tuesday, February 27. Review material will be given out.

Maintained by and last modified 2/8/2001