Exam results for Math 291, spring 2003

The first exam

Max grade 12 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 8 99
Min grade 2 0 0 0 6 0 2 4 0 31
Mean grade 9.75 5.94 5.81 7.88 10.63 7.56 10.31 10.13 5.88 73.88
Median grade 11 7 8 9.5 12 6.5 12 11 8 74

Numerical grades will be retained for use in computing the final letter grade in the course. Here are approximate letter grade assignments for this exam:

Range[85,100][80,84][70,79] [65,69][60,64][55,59][0,54]

The second exam

Max grade 15 14 12 16 12 15 16 98
Min grade 8 10 4 5 4 3 4 51
Mean grade 13.13 13.33 11.33 10.07 10 10.53 14.87 83.34
Median grade 14 14 12 8 11 12 16 85

Numerical grades will be retained for use in computing the final letter grade in the course. Here are approximate letter grade assignments for this exam:

Range[85,100][80,84][70,79] [65,69][60,64][55,59][0,54]

I misstated the point values of problems 1 and 2. I wanted #1 to be worth 15 points and #2 to be worth 14 points. That's a 1 point shift, and that's how I graded the exam.

The Lagrange multiplier problem was difficult to grade. Credit is difficult to give when logic is not clearly shown. I gave 4 points for the setup (the multiplier equations and the constraint equation). This problem has many "candidates" for where extreme values can be found. One collection (the points (+/-1,0,0)) come from setting lambda=0. This was worth 1 point. The collection (0,0,+/-1) was worth 2 points. The four candidates with z=0 (where the minimum occurs) was worth 3 points, and the candidates gotten by solving a quadratic (in either x or the multiplier -- I saw both) were worth another 3 points. I then gave 2 points for the correct answers (which had to be the values of the function!). Finally, I gave 1 point to the perhaps subjective evaluation of the logical clarity of the presentation. Perhaps I should have weighted that more heavily, but then I'd have to worry about partial credit. A few students did the problem in a non-routine fashion, and I tried to score their work consistently with what I described above.

The other non-routine problem was #6, involving Green's Theorem. Here I also found difficulty in understanding some solutions. There was sufficient time to explain what was written, I believe. Some students might have lost points because I could not understand their assertions. I wanted to see explicit mention of how Green's Theorem was used, including description and evaluation of the "bottom" integral. I wanted to read some reason that the integrand in the double integral simplifies greatly.

The final exam

Max grade 20 18 18 20 20 16 20 16 16 16 20 198
Min grade 11 9 0 5 4 7 14 2 0 0 14 100
Mean grade 18.33 15.27 15.6 11.9 16.13 12.33 17.67 15 7.2 10.87 19.13 159.3
Median grade 20 17 18 10 19 12 20 16 8 12 20 163

Numerical grades will be retained for use in computing the final letter grade in the course. Here are approximate letter grade assignments for this exam:

Range[170,200][160,169][140,159] [130,139][120,129][110,119][0,109]

The problem which was most difficult to grade was #4. I expected this, because the question had no hints, and, since it used no "calculus" yet also asked for a creative solution, it generated a very wide variety of responses. The cosine called for, by the way, is indeed 1/3. I don't know the angle in terms of "standard" angles. I've been told that methane's molecule (CH4) is a regular tetrahedron. You may know that there are exactly five regular polyhedra with all faces congruent: these are called the Platonic solids.

The problem whose results surprised me the most was #9, about the chain rule. The chain rule is an important and difficult result in in several variable calculus, and a question about it probably should have been expected on the final. I thought the question I asked was not as difficult as others on the same topic which students in this class were already asked. I found the poor scores on this problem disappointing.

Of course the curvature problem was also non-routine, but most students did o.k. on it. I tried to apply an unbiased grading scheme, which is somewhat difficult in such qualitative problems. In #12, the weird double integral, I wanted some reason that the sin(x3) term would disapper, and I penalized people a tiny bit who didn't give a reason or gave a wrong one.

Maintained by greenfie@math.rutgers.edu and last modified 5/16/2003.