Rutgers University Student Instructional Rating
(Online Survey)
Qi Fei
Spring 2015, 01:640:244:25 — Diff Eqs/Engr&Phys (index #11655)
Enrollment= 20, Responses= 14

Part A: University-wide Questions:
Student Responses Weighted Means
No response
Section Course Level Dept
1. The instructor was prepared for class and presented the material in an organized manner 0 0 0 2 12 0 4.86 4.41 4.46 4.37
2. The instructor responded effectively to student comments and questions 0 0 0 3 11 0 4.79 4.28 4.36 4.29
3. The instructor generated interest in the course material 0 0 0 2 12 0 4.86 4.08 4.16 4.13
4. The instructor had a positive attitude toward assisting all students in understanding course material 0 0 0 1 13 0 4.93 4.37 4.47 4.41
5. The instructor assigned grades fairly 0 0 2 2 10 0 4.57 4.34 4.35 4.24
6. The instructional methods encouraged student learning 0 0 0 3 11 0 4.79 4.11 4.13 4.08
7. I learned a great deal in this course 0 0 0 3 11 0 4.79 4.25 4.24 4.10
8. I had a strong prior interest in the subject matter and wanted to take this course 1 2 1 2 8 0 4.00 3.93 3.94 3.62
9. I rate the teaching effectiveness of the instructor as 0 0 0 3 11 0 4.79 4.16 4.20 4.11
10. I rate the overall quality of the course as 0 0 1 3 10 0 4.64 4.13 4.14 3.99

What do you like best about this course?:

The material taught was very helpful and easy to understand.

Fei covered as much of the material as he could pack into a single recitation session. I had to miss lecture a couple times but when I went to recitation Fei covered it all, and even though he moved quickly he was concise and easy to understand.

Fe did a great job of covering all material, and reaching out to students that needed help

Fei is extremely approachable, and his teaching methods definitely helped me to learn and improve my diff eq skills.

Went into depth about how the problems work and make sense.

Fei was beyond helpful. I have never had a TA this awesome and helpful. He actively made sure everyone was on page and I learned a lot more in his recitations than during lectures. His grading is also very fair.

I liked Fei as a TA. He was passionate about everything in the class and told us to be careful on certain exceptions, etc.

The great level of help given at any and all times. Also the availability of organized and helpful notes posted online helped during exams.

The best part about this course was Fei. He is an excellent TA.

I like classes that have recitations because it gives the student a second chance to really understand the material, especially if it is something like calc, which is basic and fundamental and super important, but is hard for some students to understand at first.

I really like how Fei taught the recitations. It always really helped my understand the material a lot better. I also thought the quizzes were on the same level as the exams so I was really well prepared for them. If I didn't understand topics in lecture or while doing the homework, Fei would always explain things thouroghly.

If you were teaching this course, what would you do differently?:

I would be a little less strict about removing points on exams. Many people would make a very small algebra mistake but the rest of the problem would be correct, and the entire problem would be graded as wrong.


If I were teaching, I might try to leave a little more time for quizzes, because we always seemed to run over class time.

Speak slower.

Not much!

I would try to be less strict on the "abuse of algebra" rule. Sometimes humans make mistakes, even algebra. Should be more forgiving.

Nothing. Very well taught.

Sometimes he went maybe too quickly, but overall I would change nothing. I realize his quick teaching was due to the amount of material he had to teach and he was always willing to re-explain. His recitation notes also helped a lot with this. Fei did and great job and I think he has the instruction of this course down pat.

Maple labs are stupid and do not help me understand the material at all.

Nothing, Fei does a fantastic job.

In what ways, if any, has this course or the instructor encouraged your intellectual growth and progress?:

reaching out to students that were in need of assistance. Fe encouraged me to study more for the course after i performed poorly on the initial exam

He has shown me new ways to learn, both by myself and under the direction of others. He has made me interested in math from multiple perspectives.

It was fun doing problems once I understood them.

Fei always explained the theory behind the process in a way that was very easy to understand and this helped to understand the material.

Helped me view problems in a more analytical way and enhanced understanding.

Fei broke down the course material to make it easier to understand. His weekly recitation notes were very helpful. He used the quizzes as tools to help us figure out the material rather than just spin our wheels. I liked his explanations, his availability during office hours and outside of class and the way he treated everyone with respect. He was the most integral part of my understanding of this course material.

This is one of the best instructors I have ever had, he went above and beyond to ensure that the students understood the material, and gave great notes both in class and on sakai.

Fei always showed us connections between topics which I thought was very helpful in not only understanding the topic itself but also seeing the big picture. He also showed alternative ways to solve problems that always interested me.

Other comments or suggestions::

Thanks Fe!

I really enjoyed having Fei as an instructor, because I think he definitely knows what he's talking about and how to show it to others.

One of the best TAs!

Consider dropping rule for abuse of algebra esp when Professor doesn't curve.

The only thing Fei needs to improve on is finishing class on time. Most weeks we went over. I along with many others in the class had a class right afterwards that I wound up being late to most of the time.

Fei is a fantastic TA. He really puts in a lot of effort and it has definitely paid off. He simplified the material and made it easier to understand. Definitely the best TA I have had. He knows the material really well and is very patient and hard working to make sure students understand the material and do their best. He also has very flexible office hours especially during finals time. I could keep going on about how awesome Fei is but to sum it up, FEI IS THE BEST