Course: Math 135, Section C6
Location: MWF 6:00-8:40pm, May 28th through July 18th, SEC 206

Instructor: Fei Qi
Office: Hill Center, Room 624
Office Hours: To be determined
Email: cl.volkov (at rutgers dot edu)

Textbook: The sixth edition of Calculus: Special Edition: Chapters 1-5, by Smith, Strauss and Toda.

WeBWork: WeBWork is a program used for homework in Math 135 that is run completely online. The website for this section is here -- use your RUID for your name and password to log in. If you have problems logging in, the person to contact is Mariya Naumova (mnaumova at rci); for all other problems e-mail me. You can see the due dates for WeBWork assignments when you log in -- be sure to start the assignments early so you have plenty of time to come to me with questions! Here is an introduction to the WeBWork system.

Attendence Quizzes: In each class there will be two or three attendence quizzes, depending on our progress. The quizzes will be graded in either "pass" or "fail". During the quiz I will provide tutoring service for all the students to get the full solution. And a submitted paper will only be graded as "fail" if I can't read the writing or nothing is wrote. All papers will be reviewed, commented and returned the next lecture.

Exams: There will be two hour exams and a cumulative final. Exams will be closed book and student-prepared formula sheets will not be permitted. An official formula sheet will be provided with each exam. The dates of the hour exams listed in the lecture schedule are tentative. The actual dates will be announced in class.

Suggested homework problems - The link to the suggested homework problems can be found here. Most of the homework problems will serve as problems in the attendence quiz, so hopefully we will be able to handle most of them in class.

Extra help - Students are encouraged to attend office hours or to make an appointment with me if they need any extra help understanding the course material. I am also always available through email. Additionally, the Rutgers Learning Centers offer tutoring in many mathematics classes, including Math 135. The tutoring is provided by undergraduate peer tutors. The Math & Science Learning Center holds review sessions for math 135.

Academic Integrity: All Rutgers students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the academic integrity policy (
Violations of the policy are taken VERY SERIOUSLY.

Grading Policy

Here is the short version of how your grade will be calculated:

15% - WeBWork
15% - Attendence Quizzes
30% - Midterm
40% - Final