Topics of Individual Lectures (Kendall-Hunt)


  5/28   1.2--1.4    Precalculus Review:  Real line, coordinate plane,
                     distance, circles, straight lines. Functions, graphs.

  5/30   A.E, 2.4    Precalculus Review:  Radians, definition of trig functions,
                     graphs of sin, cos, tan, sec. 
		     Exponentials and logarithms

  6/2    2.1--2.3    Limits and Continuity:  Motivation and history
		     Definition and discussion of intuitive meaning.
		     Rules for limits, computing limits of algebraic functions.
                     One sided limits, infinite limits.

  6/4    2.2--2.4    Technical issues: squeeze theorem, limits for trig 
                     functions; intermediate value theorem, finding  roots.
		     Exponentials and logarithms:  Definition of e,
                     properties and inverse relation of exp and ln.
                     Compound interest, future value, exponential
                     population growth.

  6/6    Review and Problem session

  6/9    3.1, 3.4    Definition of the derivative:  Direct calculation of
                     Relation between the graph of f and  the graph of f'.
                     Continuity and differentiability.
		     The derivative as a rate of change.  Velocity and acceleration.

  6/11   3.2--3.5    Calculation:  Sum, product and quotient rules.
                     Higher order derivatives.
                     Differentiation of exponential and trig functions.   
		     Chain rule.

  6/13   3.6	     Implicit differentiation.
                     Derivatives of log and exp to other bases.
                     Derivative of log(|u|).
                     Logarithmic differentiaion
		     Review and Problem Session for Chapter 1 - 3

  6/16   Review and Problem session

  6/18   3.7 	     Related rates.

  6/20   3.8	     Linear approximation.  Differentials.
                     Error and relative error of measurement.
                     Marginal analysis.

  6/23   4.1, 4.2    Optimization of a continuous function on a bounded interval. 
                     Statement of mean value theorem and examples 1 & 2.

  6/25   4.3--4.5    First and second derivative analysis and curve sketching.
	             Curve sketching with asymptotes. Limits as x approaches 
                     plus or minus infinity. 
		     L'Hopitals's rule.

  6/27   4.6, 4.7    Optimization applications:  Physical problems. 
		     Marginal analysis and profit maximization, inventory problems, 
		     physiology problems.

  6/30   Review and Problem Session

  7/2   Review and Problem Session. 

  7/4    NO CLASS

  7/7    5.1--5.3    Antiderivatives.
		     Riemann sums and the definition of definite integrals.

  7/9    5.4         Fundamental theorems of calculus.

  7/11   5.5         Substitution method for both indefinite and definite
		     Review and Problem Session for Chapter 5
  7/14   Review of knowledge in the first midterm

  7/16   Review of knowledge in the second midterm

  7/18   Final Exam