640:373 Numerical Analysis I
Approximate Course Syllabus: Fall, 2008

Solution of Equations in One Variable

Lecture  1. Calculus Review (1.1)                         9/02/08 (T)
Lecture  2. Bisection, False Position, Secant, Newton Methods 
            (2.1, 2.3)                                    9/04/08 (Th)
Lecture  3  Newton's method for systems, fixed point iteration,
            (2.2, 10.2)                                   9/09/08 (T)
Lecture  4. Local Convergence, order of convergence, 
            (2.4)                                         9/11/08 (Th)

Interpolation and Polynomial Approximation

Lecture  5. Lagrange Polynomial (3.1)                     9/16/08 (T)
Lecture  6. Divided Differences, Newton polynomial (3.2)  9/18/08 (Th)
Lecture  7. Hermite Interpolation (3.3)                   9/23/08 (T)
Lecture  8. Piecewise Polynomial Approximation (notes)    9/25/08 (Th)
Lecture  9. Cubic Spline Approximation (3.4)              9/30/08 (T) 
Lecture 10. Bezier curves (3.5)                          10/02/08 (Th)

Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Lecture 11. Exam 1                                        10/07/08 (T) 
Lecture 12. Numerical Differentiation (4.1)               10/09/08 (Th) 
Lecture 13. Basic Numerical Integration Rules (4.3)       10/14/08 (T) 
Lecture 14. Composite Numerical Integration (4.4)         10/16/08 (Th) 
Lecture 15. Romberg Integration  (4.2, 4.5)               10/21/08 (T)
Lecture 16. Gaussian Quadrature (4.7)                     10/23/08 (Th) 
Lecture 17. Adaptive Quadrature (4.6)                     10/28/07 (T)

Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential Equations

Lecture 18. Theory of Initial Value Problems (5.1),
            Euler's Method (5.2)                          10/30/08 (Th)
Lecture 19. Taylor Methods  (5.3)                         11/04/08 (T) 
Lecture 20. Runge-Kutta Methods (5.4)                     11/06/08 (Th) 
Lecture 21. Error Control (5.5)                           11/11/08 (T) 
Lecture 22. Exam 2                                        11/13/08 (Th)
Lecture 23. Multistep Methods: Derivation (5.6,5.7)       11/18/08 (T) 
Lecture 24. Multistep Methods: order, consistency, local
            truncation error (5.6,5.7)                    11/20/08 (Th) 
Lecture 25. Convergence of Multistep Methods (5.10)       11/25/08 (Tu)
            Thanksgiving                                  11/27/08 (Th)
Lecture 26. Stability of Multistep Methods (5.10)         12/02/08 (T) 
Lecture 27. Predictor-Corrector methods and
            generalizations to systems (5.7,5.9)          12/04/08 (Th) 
Lecture 28. Catch up and Review                           12/09/08 (T) 
Last modified 9/26/2008.