General Information: *** html version *** postscript version
Approximate Syllabus: *** html version *** postscipt version
Exam 1 Review Sheet: *** postscript version
Exam 1 Formula Sheet: *** postscript version
Exam 2 Review Sheet: *** postscript version
Final Exam Review Sheet: *** postscript version
The Final Exam will be given on Wednesday, December 16 from 4-7 PM in Room 211 of Van Dyke Hall (on CAC). You will be allowed to bring a formula sheet (both sides of one 8.5 x 11 inch piece of paper).
A review session for the Final Exam will be held on Monday, December 14 from 4-6 PM in SERC 202.
Final Exam and Final Course Grades: *** grades