Personal Web Page of Richard S. Falk


Richard S. Falk
Department of Mathematics - Hill Center
Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey
110 Frelinghuysen Rd.
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8019

Electronic Mail Address:

Office Telephone Number: 848-445-6778            

Department Fax Number: 732-445-5530

Office: Room 634, Hill Center, Busch Campus (Emeritus office)      

Here is a copy of my Curriculum Vitae.

Here is a link to my Google Scholar page

My main area of research is the numerical solution of partial differential equations. You may obtain information about, view, and download some of my Publications. You may also view some of my Recent Talks, including my 2006 C.I.M.E. summer school lectures on Finite Element Methods for Linear Elasticity and Finite Element Methods for the Reissner-Mindlin Plate Problem.

Sue Brenner (who took over from Lars Wahlbin) and Peter Monk (who recently took over from me) are the co-organizers of the Finite Element Circus, a regular conference devoted to the theory and applications of the finite element method and related areas of numerical analysis and partial differential equations. Information about the Circus can now be found on the new Finite Element Circus Web Page.

Course materials for the graduate Numerical Analysis courses Math 573, Math 574, Math 575, and for the undergraduate courses Math 251: Multivariable Calculus, Math 244: Differential Equations for Engineering and Physics, Math 321: Introduction to Applied Mathematics, and Math 373: Numerical Analysis I, and Math 423: Elementary Partial Differential Equations may be found below.

Course materials for Math 244,     Course materials for Math 251,     Math 251, Sections 16-18, Fall 1998

Course materials for Math 321     Course materials for Math 373     Course materials for Math 423

Course materials for Math 573,     Course materials for Math 574,     Course materials for Math 575

Maintained by and last modified 12/26/2016.