MATH 215: Introduction to Advanced Mathematics.
Spring 2019
Instructor: Dima Sinapova
Class Meets: MWF 1:00 - 1:50 in TH 308
Office: 421 SEO
Office Hours: M 10-12
phone: (312)-996-2371
- Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, Richard St. Andre, A Transition to Advanced Mathematics.
We will cover chapters 1-5 from the book.
There will be two midterms (20% each) and one final (40%), and regular
homework assignments (20%). The homeworks will be announced in class and also posted online. The first homework will be assigned at the end of the first week, and will be due on Monday, January 28.
The lowest homework score will be dropped.
- Midterm 1: Monday, February 25
- Midterm 2: Monday, April 8
- Final Exam: Monday May 6, 1:00-3:00pm
- Homework 1 Due Monday, January 28. Section 1.1: 2abi, 4bd, 8bc, 11bdg Section 1.2: 3, 5dfgh, 7a, 12a, 16bcf
- Homework 2 Due Wednesday, February 6. Section 1.3: 5, 8acfl, 13 Section 1.4: 4bc, 5de, 8a Section 1.5: 3cg, 4a, 10
- Homework 3 Due Wednesday, February 13. Section 1.5: 9, 10 Section 1.6: 2ad, 5ab Section 2.1: 5 bdfhjl, 10, 13, 14
- Homework 4 Due Friday, February 22. Section 2.1:18 Section 2.2: 1bdf, 2aceg, 10 de, 12 bc, 14 Section 2.4: 6 cel, 7cg
- Homework 5 Due Friday, March 8. Section 2.6: 6, 9, 15, 20 Section 3.1: 1, 12 Section 3.2: 1 bcdgj, 5 ag, 8 bcd
- Homework 6 Due Monday, March 18. Section 3.2: 7 bd, 9, 11, 16 Section 3.3: 2 abce, 7, 10 Section 3.4: 6
- Homework 7 Due Monday, April 1. Section 4.1: 1 bcdhi, 6, 12 Section 3.2: 18 Section 4.3: 1 bgi, 2bgi, 9ab Section 4.4: 1 ab
- Homework 8 Due Friday, April 12. Section 4.2: 18, Section 5.1: 2 hikm, 4 Section 5.2: 3 bcd Section 5.3: 5, 7, 10 ab. 12
- Homework 9 Due Wednesday, April 24. Section 5.2: 7bd, 11 Section 5.4: 2, 3, 7
- Homework 10 Due Friday, May 3. Do the ten sample problems from Final review