This is an informal reading seminar on combinatorics run by myself and Bhargav Narayanan. It differs from GCS in that our focus here is to discuss papers, and some may be more advanced than what is typically done at GCS. There is also a requirement that each participant present during the semester. However, there are no formal prerequisites; anyone interested is welcome to join. Email me if you want to be on the mailing list.

Upcoming Seminars

For Spring 2023, we are meeting on Wednesdays from 9--10:30am. Our focus this semester is presenting papers.
All events this semester are funded wholly by the Rutgers Graduate Student Association.

Past Seminars

In Fall 2022, our reading seminar was on discrete geometry. Our main reference was Matousek's Lectures on Discrete Geometry.
For spring 2022, the reading seminar was on percolation. We used lecture notes from Perla Sousi and Hugo Duminil-Copin.